Worst Album Covers of All Time

Moυ θυμισε ενα τοσο τραγικο που δεν θα μπορουσε καν να μπει στη λιστα  :-X

Koπιαρισμένο από ένα παλιό powerpoint που στελνόταν με mass forward από email σε email (χωρίς δυστυχώς να έχει κοπιάρει και τις ατάκες δηλητηριώδους ειρωνίας που είχε). Τουλάχιστον έχει και μερικά νέα εξώφυλλα που δεν είχα δει...  ;D

Tο τελευταίο θα έπρεπε να το είχε ψαρέψει ο Jack White για το Elephant μιας και κρατά με τη προβοσκίδα του και περίεργη κιθάρα.

Στο Google Images γίνεται χαμός αν γράψετε "worst album covers", πάντως μετά από ψάξιμο αυτό που έγραφα παραπάνω το βρήκα (το αυθεντικό λινκ του μπλογκ porktornado.diaryland.com έχει χαθεί αλλά τα εξώφυλλα και οι επικές ατάκες υπάρχουν και αλλού): http://cyberschroeder.com/albums/

To κορυφαίο είναι στο #8 (McKeithens). Στην λεζάντα έχει πέσει λογοκρισία στο ανωτέρω λινκ - ιδού η uncut version:


The lost art of using an Olan Mills family portrait as your album cover is lost for a reason, and this is it. Polyester as far as the eye can see, and some insane woman wearing the world’s largest ball of twine on her head. The McKeithen family from left to right- Marsha, JoJack, Ma, and Jebediah. They were as functional as you would imagine any christian family singing group would be. Jebediah (known by his friends as "Twig") had a raging addiction to bourbon, pornography and molesting Marsha, who worked as a stripper for several years before breaking into her acting career at age nineteen. She legally changed her name to Saucy Peaks and starred in such movies as "EThree- The Extra Testicle", the ever popular "Prime cuts- Yo Quiero Taco Smell", and "Ultra Kinky #79- Bowlin’ in her Colon." She eventually got back to her first passion in the same industry, singing lead in the off-broadway porn-rock-opera "Ass hole-o-mio." I think you have to use a hyphenated movie title to make it in the porn industry. JoJack eventually learned of his sister’s abuse at the hands of his father, and killed Twig one night on the way home from a Klan rally. He is now doing 15 to life in San Quentin. Ma McKeithen, however, never lost her faith. She did go bald and develop a neck condition from the weight of her hair, but collected it and sold it to a wig shop. With her earnings, she bought a house on Nantucket Island, where she composes songs for Country Church.
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