"Allthough it is small' date=' it contains more parts than say: a Minimoog,thanks to this SMD technology. Electronically seen is a discrete
resistor the same as an SMD resistor, the SMD is 10 times smaller.
Most manufacturers use DSP (digital signal processing) now,
because it's so cheap to develop. To make a filter, they just have to
implement a formula in the DSP. A DSP based machine sounds too
perfect and has too low dynamics to equal analog gear in power &
liveness. Digital processing generally has the disadvantage of losing
information in the process of digitizing and calculating. With DSP
overdrive simulation, you can just reach the limit of your 64 bit
number. [b']So, overdrive must be programmed, but still sounds dead.
Why ? A car crash is always different, in the same circumstances,
on the contrary, a computer simulated car crash is always the same.
Thats why real analog sounds more "live" than a bunch of routines
trying to simulate analog circuits.[/b]"
Μιλάει ο Herman Gillis, κιθαρίστας και σχεδιαστής του περίφημου Shermann Filterbank.