Reflection + Cruz Del Sur


Νέο μέλος
It is with great satisfaction that Cruz Del Sur Music (Italy) and Reflection (Greece) can now officially announce the reaching of an  agreement, for the release of Reflection's forthcoming epic doom metal album on Cruz Del Sur Music .

The band's next album on Cruz Del Sur Music is planned for May 2008 and it's going to be entitled "When Shadows Fall".

This is the beginning of a prosperous relationship between both parties.

Over recent years Cruz Del Sur has emerged as one of the most-motivated record labels in heavy metal and associated genres. The label's versatile and engaging band roster (also including Pharaoh, Slough Feg, Battleroar, Widow, Dantesco, Ignitor among others) provides strong testimony to all this.

On the other side, Reflection is proved to be one of the oldest and most respected bands in the epic/doom metal domain for over 16 years with many live performances and five official releases (2 singles, and 3 albums).

Stathis Pavlantis (gutarist)speaks for Reflection:

"After a long time of negotiations for the new long awaited Reflection album we finally reached the end! We are grateful to the labels that approached the band with serious offers for a recording contract, but after taking everything under consideration we strongly believe that signing with Cruz Del Sur is the best possible move for us. The label's feedback for honesty, integrity, loyalty and stature in the metal scene is excellent and we are convinced that Cruz Del Sur is definitely the right label for Reflection. We are thus now looking forward to bring this grand alliance to realisation. This album is the first step to a new era for the band and we strongly believe that is just the beginning of a very creative cooperation for both parties:"

Cruz Del Sur Music owner, Enrico Leccese: "It's natural that I am glad to be working with Reflection: Greece is one of the most important countries for heavy metal and REFLECTION is one of Greece's key- bands. Aside from the serious negotiations that went on for months before reaching an agreement, it's no doubt that I felt a natural ease when dealing with Stathis because after all - we share centuries of collective practices and conducts with Greek people. But I am sure that all the fans of EPIC DOOM METAL will love the classicism and sense of tradition that comes out of REFLECTION's compositions – and the attention to details that was used in the production of the album. We have set a release-date for late may 2008, but if you check band's and our site, you can have sneak previews of what we're talking about!"

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από moderator:
Στάθη συγχαρητήρια για το συμβόλαιο! Άντε πάντα τέτοια να ακούμε! Κώστας από ByAccident εδώ! ;)

Και όχι τεμπελιάσματα ε, περιμένουμε το νέο album! Cu ;D

Αντε!Πάντα τέτοια!Φιλιά στο Leo και τον Γιώργο!(και κανένα live δεν θα ήταν άσχημο εδώ που τα λέμε...)




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