Αυτό είναι που με εκνευρίζει αφάνταστα στα καταστήματα μουσικών οργάνων!Ρωτάς πόσο κάνει ένα προϊόν κ σου απάνταει όπως του κατέβει.....
εγώ γουστάρω τίμια πράγματα...
όχι οποτε μας βολέυει πετάμε ένα νούμερο κ μετά αν ακούσουμε αντίλογο ανοίγουμε τους καταλόγους.....
Τι διάλο,υπαίθρια αγορά στην Τεχεράνη είναι που ψωνίζεις κιλίμια;;;
Πρέπει να παρακαλέσω,να απειλήσω,κλαφτώ ή να πάρω καμιά πίτα (γύρο) για να μου πουν την κανονική τιμή;;
Πάντως για να παρηγορηθείτε,μη νομίζετε ότι στο εξωτερικό είναι πάντα πολύ καλύτερα τα πράγματα.Οι τιμές στην Αγγλία είναι άστα να πάνε (απ' όσο έχω δει σε περιοδικά),ενώ από εξυπηρέτηση...Παραθέτω ένα κείμενο γραμμένο από ένα μέλος των Mogwai:
Music Store personnel and their attitudes towards Customers
"These microphones are for 'high-end applications;'"
"I'm sorry I can't fix your stuff, there's a professional musician bringing in stuff I have to fix first"
"This delay pedal, I've not fixed it properly so I've not charged you but as long as you're careful, it should be fine"
"What is it?" (When presented with a MOTU 828 soundcard for repair.....one of the most popular soundcards in the world)
"I'm only going to sell this bass to someone who would really play it"
Just some of the comments made to members of Mogwai and their producer Tony Doogan in music stores in Glasgow in the last year or three.
What kind of service do they think they're providing for us musicians?
I mean, a few months ago we had to pay off and cancel our (substantial) account with a Glasgow/National music store for the unbelievably rude treatment shown towards me (Barry) when I had to go and pick up some pretty expensive and essential equipment we needed for the ATP festival.
Needless to say I went into a kind of rage I've only ever suffered twice in my life and began chasing the cunt around the shop, shouting, swearing and spitting hateful words at his face to alleviate my anger. Apparently my eyes were bulging from their sockets and I was pacing around like a caged tiger.
Aristotle said,
"Anyone can become angry-that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way-this is not easy"
He's right of course, but it was hard not to be furious with the arsepiece in the shop with his superiority complex and delusions of adequacy, treating me, the paying customer, with abject contempt.
Why would any customer stick around if that's the kind of experience he expects when parting with his hard earned cash?
What irks me more is the fact that I'm a 29 year old professional musician with some sort of confidence in my job, but transfer that same scenario to a 13 year old kid, and he'll be crippled with self doubt and feel like he can never go back to that (or any?) music store because of the total lack of encouragement he is to feel because of some minimum wage prick's unhelpful, foolish comments.
I'm not here to fix the situation. That is the store manager's remit, but I do wish that this supersciliousness which exists in the music store assistant's head would vanish like Bin Laden immediately. We don't need that, it's not helpful. If you don't like the job, get a new one, dickhead.
I rest my case.
p.s. I can't resist it. Every single bad incident was in the Glasgow store of Sound Control. You'd do well to avoid this place. Fuckwits. (Except the two chaps I like who work in there, no offence to you two).