Wow! είπε:
To post σου είναι άκυρο.
Η κάρτα δεν έχει κανένα πρόβλημα με το Leopard.
Το πρόβλημα είναι στο firewire chipset που φοράει ο υπολογιστής που πήρε ο άνθρωπος.
Δεν θα λυθεί, όποια έκδοση του OSx και αν βάλει.
Αν είχε άλλο υπολογιστή (οποιοδήποτε Mac Pro) η κάρτα θα λειτουργούσε κανονικά.
Δεν κάνατε καν τον κόπο να διαβάσετε τα reviews των χρηστών...
Would be a good product if they could sort their drivers out...
Written by AH from London
Title says it all. Nice unit, but useless if M-Audio can't get its act together with its drivers which a) STILL don't exist for Leopard months after it was released and b) have a habit of causing kernel panics etc. when they do issue a current version.
Go for another brand like MOTU.
Not currently leopard compatible
Written by KM from Round Rock
I was enjoying the use of this unit until I installed Leopard. The 410 is no longer recognized and M-Audio site states they are working on new drivers. I would not buy until you know it supports Leopard if you are already running 10.5.
(29 of 37 people found this review useful)
Not currently leopard compatible
Written by KM from Round Rock
I was enjoying the use of this unit until I installed Leopard. The 410 is no longer recognized and M-Audio site states they are w…Read more
(29 of 37 people found this review useful)
Βέβαια είναι πριν 7 μήνες, αλλά δεν είδα και καμμία εξέλιξη...