Επειδή είσαι τυχερός και πρόσφατα έψαχνα ακριβώς τις διαφορές τους βρήκα τα εξής απο επαγγελματιες και τεστ. Αυτη ειναι η πραγματικότητα παρακάτω.Το firewire ειναι καλύτερο λόγω αρχιτεκτονικής.
FireWire vs. USB 2.0 - Architecture
FireWire, uses a "Peer-to-Peer" architecture in which the peripherals are intelligent and can negotiate bus conflicts to determine which device can best control a data transfer
Hi-Speed USB 2.0 uses a "Master-Slave" architecture in which the computer handles all arbitration functions and dictates data flow to, from and between the attached peripherals (adding additional system overhead and resulting in slower data flow control)
FireWire vs. USB 2.0 Hard Drive Performance Comparison
Read and write tests to the same IDE hard drive connected using FireWire and then Hi-Speed USB 2.0 show:
Read Test:
* 5000 files (300 MB total) FireWire was 33% faster than USB 2.0
* 160 files (650MB total) FireWire was 70% faster than USB 2.0
Write Test:
* 5000 files (300 MB total) FireWire was 16% faster than USB 2.0
* 160 files (650MB total) FireWire was 48% faster than USB 2.0
Question: Which is faster Hi-Speed USB 2.0 or FireWire?
Answer: In sustained throughput FireWire is faster than USB 2.0.
Question: If Hi-Speed USB 2.0 is a 480 Mbps interface and FireWire is a 400 Mbps interface, how can FireWire be faster?
Answer: Differences in the architecture of the two interfaces have a huge impact on the sustained throughput.
απο άλλο site:
1. USB 2.0 is much slower than FireWire 400 and 800. Apple states that the USB 2.0 ports on their Macs support transfer rates up to 480 megaBITS per second (Mbps), which translates to 60 megaBYTES per second (MB/s). The most we saw was 144 megaBITS per second or 18 megaBYTES per second.
Think about it. FireWire 400 is rated at 400 megaBITS per second (50 megaBYTES per second) -- 80 megaBITS slower rating than USB 2.0 -- yet when exact same drive/enclosure is plugged into the FireWire 400 port, it goes almost twice as fast!
κι απο άλλο σχετικά με την εγγραφή αρχείων στον σκληρό μεσω usb2 ή firewire το firewire νικάει κατά κράτος..
File copying
Connection USB 2.0 FireWire
1 GBytes - 1 file 1m 54.6 sec 1m 09.6 sec
1GB- in 9226 files 1m 59.4 sec 1m 30.1 sec
As you can see, the FireWire outscores the USB 2.0 in all WinBench tests, as well as in the file copying.