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Kάτι που ήθελα να σχολιάσω από άλλο θρεντ, αλλά για να μη βγω οφτόπικ το έφερα εδώ... μπορεί να συνεχιστεί και σαν θρεντ γενικής εκτίμησης των Silver Jubilee, που είναι αρκετά σπάνιοι και φοβεροί ενισχυτές, κατά τη γνώμη μου...
Για την ακρίβεια (και πρέπει να διορθωθεί η Wiki που δεν τα λέει σωστά) χρησιμοποιούσε και JCM800, και Silver Jubilee, και τους δικούς του signature πολύ αργότερα. Στην αρχή όμως είχε ξετρελαθεί με έναν Super Lead.
Oι JCM800 από τους Silver Jubilee δεν έχουν και ιδιαίτερες διαφορές, απλά οι δεύτεροι έχουν κάπως περισσότερο gain, λιγότερα πρίμα που "ξυρίζουν", πιο μουσικό distortion, είναι πιο ευέλικτοι με διακόπτη μισής ισχύος και είχαν πολύ μεγαλύτερη consistency στην κατασκευή (ένας 800 από έναν άλλο μπορούσε να ακούγεται εντελώς διαφορετικά, ενώ ένας S. Jubilee πάντα ακουγόταν καταπληκτικός).
Αν βάλετε στον Γκούγκλη "Adam Day" (ο tech του Slash) και "JCM800" θα σας βγάλει μερικά λινκς, παραθέτω μερικά από τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα:
Kαι εδώ βέβαια ακόμη και ο ίδιος παραδέχεται ότι αναγκάζεται να παίζει μαζί τους ενεργοποιώντας την επιλογή των 50W αντί των 100 γιατί είναι υπερβολικά... δυνατοί:
blue_harris είπε:ο Slash ευθύνεται σχεδόν αποκλειστικά για την τεράστια φήμη του JCM800 στα 80s,
Μια διορθωσούλα!
Ο Slash από την αρχή έπαιζε με τους marshall silver jubilee (μοντέλο που κυκλοφόρησε τη διετία 87-88) και ουσιαστικά ο slash signature jcm 2555 είναι reissue των silver jubilee.
Για την ακρίβεια (και πρέπει να διορθωθεί η Wiki που δεν τα λέει σωστά) χρησιμοποιούσε και JCM800, και Silver Jubilee, και τους δικούς του signature πολύ αργότερα. Στην αρχή όμως είχε ξετρελαθεί με έναν Super Lead.
Oι JCM800 από τους Silver Jubilee δεν έχουν και ιδιαίτερες διαφορές, απλά οι δεύτεροι έχουν κάπως περισσότερο gain, λιγότερα πρίμα που "ξυρίζουν", πιο μουσικό distortion, είναι πιο ευέλικτοι με διακόπτη μισής ισχύος και είχαν πολύ μεγαλύτερη consistency στην κατασκευή (ένας 800 από έναν άλλο μπορούσε να ακούγεται εντελώς διαφορετικά, ενώ ένας S. Jubilee πάντα ακουγόταν καταπληκτικός).
Αν βάλετε στον Γκούγκλη "Adam Day" (ο tech του Slash) και "JCM800" θα σας βγάλει μερικά λινκς, παραθέτω μερικά από τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα:
(http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com/articles/showarticle.php?articleid=114)In the past, Slash's amps used to be screaming in the studio. But during the recording of Guns N' Roses' Use Your Illusion albums, he switched to an old JCM 800 with 65/50 output, setting the preamp on 2, the master volume on 8, and ran it through a Marshall 100Watt 4x12 cab. The result was essentially all output distortion and output gain - a very different sound for the guitarist. This setup led to the development of a Marshall Slash signature head, based on the JCM800 model. He first used this amp with his Slash's Snakepit project.
( you listen carefully to all of Slash's related discography you'll notice that Slash's sound has changed trough the years. His sound on the Snakepit records is clearly different than the one he used on the Use Your Illusions records. They're also both different than the sound used to record the Appetite For Destruction record although the main differences are between the Use Your Illusions and the Snakepit records: just listen to that distinctive sound featured on Don't Damn Me, Right Next Door To Hell, You Could Be Mine, Locomotive, ..., solos.
Personally, that's my favorite guitar sound ever and since I had many requests from Slash fans asking for more info on the differences in Slash's gear for that particular sound I've contacted Jennifer Day, Adam Day wife, who was very kind and passed my questions to Adam Day and then answered me back:
"Slash used to use a Marshall mid-80's JCM 800 with 6550 output tubes (Ed: you can see that amp in the picture above where the JCM 800 is on pair with the JCM 2555 Slash signature model) through Marshall cab's with 25 watt greenbacks using more master volume than preamp volume (very loud). What he's done more recently is incorporate it with a 2550 model amp (Ed: 50 watt version of the JCM 2555 Silver Jubilee head) so that the 2 sounds are blended together".
That's the trick we were wondering for so long but could never find the answer anywhere! Adam and Jennifer were so kind that they even asked me what sound did I prefer, the old featured on the Illusions records or the more recent sound (needless to say, I answered the old one with the JCM800 only)!
On the forth coming album featuring Slash, Izzy and Duff, Slash blends the 2 amp's together using a little bit more of the JCM 800 & vintage 30 speakers.
(http://forum.grailtone.com/viewtopic.php?t=9900&sid=a47a44c8fb34118f9e56e90f1b1f4288)It was a modified 1959T also known as a Super Tremolo. The tremolo circuit was turned into a an additional gain circuit and a master volume was added because we all know that the 1959 4 hole non master volume amps were very loud. The tech that modded the amp was Tim Caswell. He also did amps for George Lynch and for Queensryche. The mod was called #39 because it was the amp # at SIR. SIR was a rental company that rented to different recording artists and had studios. Tim was one of the amp techs there.
The JCM800 that you see in the early media was used for cleans as #39 wasn't very clean anymore. Neither the Silver Jubilee nor the Jubilee existed yet so Slash could not have used the Jubilee. Slash loved that amp so much that he actually tried to steal it from SIR. His roadie accidentally brought it back to SIR for a rehearsal and they snatched it back up. George Lynch had rented it for his tour a couple months before Slash got it and actually had thoughts of how he could steal this amp too. He even claims to have had thought about removing the brain and replacing it with a different one.
Kαι εδώ βέβαια ακόμη και ο ίδιος παραδέχεται ότι αναγκάζεται να παίζει μαζί τους ενεργοποιώντας την επιλογή των 50W αντί των 100 γιατί είναι υπερβολικά... δυνατοί:
(http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com/articles/showarticle.php?articleid=18)The all-tube, 100-watt head boasts a quartet of Russian EL34's in its power section and a trio of ECC83's driving its two-channel preamp. There's also a handy, front-panel-mounted half-power switch that allows you to drop the amp down to a more manageable 50-watt triode mode perfect for smaller venues. Slash admits that even he runs his amps on half-power much of the time. "If you have a singer who's sensitive to loud backlines like Axl is, having a half-power switch is a godsend. It's the only I way I can get the power tubes to work as hard as I need them to."
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