- Μηνύματα
- 958
- Πόντοι
- 18
Με βάση κάποιες απόψεις και σκέψεις του Captain Lee πάνω στο θέμα, αναρωτήθηκα για το πόσες φορές αγοράζουμε κάτι αντί για κάτι άλλο ανάλογα με το τι λέει η καρδιά μας ή το μυαλό μας. Πόσες φορές έχουμε αγοράσει κάτι με βάση τη λογική και όχι με το τι έλεγε η καρδιά μας.
Παραθέτω τις απόψεις του σχετικά με το θέμα αλλά και κάποιες άλλες σε ότι αφορά μια αγορά μουσικού οργάνου.
1) "For all the wonderful things that the internet has delivered, my biggest bugbear is the player who's decided they're going to like or dislike something because 'they read it on a forum."
2) "It feels to me that the more I play, the less I know."
3) "By that I just mean that it's so important not to form an opinion on what you think you'll like or dislike until you've tried it."
4) "You really don't need to worry about Alnico this and ceramic that, or nitro vs poly, or thick vs thin etc... You just need to try it."
5) "Ironically, it doesn't happen a great deal - normally in a toss up between two guitars, one will speak to you just a little bit more than the other, whether that be feel, tone or looks."
6) "There's always something that edges it. You do get the head vs heart dilemma sometimes: head says brand X and heart says brand Y."
7) "For me, heart always wins, but again, each customer is different and I just encourage them to think about other things they've bought and decide what they’ve been most happy with - a head purchase or a heart purchase."
Παραθέτω τις απόψεις του σχετικά με το θέμα αλλά και κάποιες άλλες σε ότι αφορά μια αγορά μουσικού οργάνου.
1) "For all the wonderful things that the internet has delivered, my biggest bugbear is the player who's decided they're going to like or dislike something because 'they read it on a forum."
2) "It feels to me that the more I play, the less I know."
3) "By that I just mean that it's so important not to form an opinion on what you think you'll like or dislike until you've tried it."
4) "You really don't need to worry about Alnico this and ceramic that, or nitro vs poly, or thick vs thin etc... You just need to try it."
5) "Ironically, it doesn't happen a great deal - normally in a toss up between two guitars, one will speak to you just a little bit more than the other, whether that be feel, tone or looks."
6) "There's always something that edges it. You do get the head vs heart dilemma sometimes: head says brand X and heart says brand Y."
7) "For me, heart always wins, but again, each customer is different and I just encourage them to think about other things they've bought and decide what they’ve been most happy with - a head purchase or a heart purchase."