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S9F είπε:
Τι εννοείς λέγοντας σκέτα? Μιλάω για τα V30s της Marshall,η οποία όντας ο μεγαλύτερος πελάτης της Celestion,απαιτεί τα specs τους να μην είναι ίδια με αυτά που μπορείς να αγοράσεις ξεχωριστά.(και κάπου εδώ είναι που αρχίζει το μπέρδεμα της αρκούδας... ;))
Εγώ ξέρω οτι τα marshall με τα απλά vintage 30 είναι ακριβώς ίδια με άλλη ετικέτα...

Μεταφέρω αυτό που βρήκα σε ένα forum..

"The Marshall 1960 AV/BV Cabs have Celestion V30's in them. Marshall doesn't have any proprietary Celestion designs. It's basically the same speaker with a different label slapped on them. The power rating difference is probably just due to different measurement guidelines. You can measure by peak performance, average performance, etc. So, it's the same speaker. Mesa, however, does have a proprietary V30 design (Black Shadow V30). It's not much different at all, but they are still made in the England factory using more traditional methods versus the rest which are now being manufactured in China. Mesa also uses 8 ohm V30's versus the 16 ohms that's in Marshall cabs. According to Mesa techs, the reason they chose this design was for a tighter attack with more bite."

oselifer είπε:
Εγώ ξέρω οτι τα marshall με τα απλά vintage 30 είναι ακριβώς ίδια με άλλη ετικέτα...

Μεταφέρω αυτό που βρήκα σε ένα forum..

"The Marshall 1960 AV/BV Cabs have Celestion V30's in them. Marshall doesn't have any proprietary Celestion designs. It's basically the same speaker with a different label slapped on them. The power rating difference is probably just due to different measurement guidelines. You can measure by peak performance, average performance, etc. So, it's the same speaker. Mesa, however, does have a proprietary V30 design (Black Shadow V30). It's not much different at all, but they are still made in the England factory using more traditional methods versus the rest which are now being manufactured in China. Mesa also uses 8 ohm V30's versus the 16 ohms that's in Marshall cabs. According to Mesa techs, the reason they chose this design was for a tighter attack with more bite."
Κι ομως ακουγονται πολυυυ διαφορετικα. σιγουρα παιζει ρολο και η παλαιοτητα αλλα...




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