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Σε κάνει πραγματικά να αναρωτιέσαι αν όντως ήξεραν τι έκαναν και πώς.
Recorded: 16 April 1964
Producer: George Martin
Engineer: Norman Smith
Released: 10 July 1964 (UK), 26 June 1964 (US)
George Harrison: Rickenbacker 360/12 guitar
John Lennon: Gibson J-160 6-string acoustic guitar
Paul McCartney: Hofner violin bass
Ringo Starr: snare drum, cymbal
George Martin: Steinway grand piano
The distinctive chord which opens A Hard Day's Night became one of the most iconic sounds in The Beatles' output. Instantly recognisable, it was the perfect beginning to the group's debut feature film.
A Hard Day's Night - A Hard Day's Night
"We knew it would open both the film and the soundtrack LP, so we wanted a particularly strong and effective beginning. The strident guitar chord was the perfect launch".
George Martin
(The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, Mark Lewisohn)
Θεωρίες που υπήρχαν για το ακόρντο τα προηγούμενα χρόνια:
A dominant 9th of F in the key of C
C-Bb-D-F-G-C in the key of C
A polytriad ii7/V in Ab major
G7sus4 (open position)
D7sus4 (open position)
G7 with added 9th and suspended 4th
A superimposition of Dm, F, and G
Dm11 with no 9th
Το ακόρντο όμως, επιβεβαιώθηκε από τον πλέον αρμόδιο, τον George Harrison ως Fadd9 τον Φεβρουάριο του 2001 - που κι αυτός όμως, ανάθεμα κι αν ήξερε τι έπαιζε ο Paul McCartney στο μπάσο:
Q: Mr Harrison, what is the opening chord you used for A Hard Day's Night?
A: It is F with a G on top (on the 12-string), but you'll have to ask Paul about the bass note to get the proper story.
Recorded: 16 April 1964
Producer: George Martin
Engineer: Norman Smith
Released: 10 July 1964 (UK), 26 June 1964 (US)
George Harrison: Rickenbacker 360/12 guitar
John Lennon: Gibson J-160 6-string acoustic guitar
Paul McCartney: Hofner violin bass
Ringo Starr: snare drum, cymbal
George Martin: Steinway grand piano
The distinctive chord which opens A Hard Day's Night became one of the most iconic sounds in The Beatles' output. Instantly recognisable, it was the perfect beginning to the group's debut feature film.
A Hard Day's Night - A Hard Day's Night
"We knew it would open both the film and the soundtrack LP, so we wanted a particularly strong and effective beginning. The strident guitar chord was the perfect launch".
George Martin
(The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, Mark Lewisohn)
Θεωρίες που υπήρχαν για το ακόρντο τα προηγούμενα χρόνια:
A dominant 9th of F in the key of C
C-Bb-D-F-G-C in the key of C
A polytriad ii7/V in Ab major
G7sus4 (open position)
D7sus4 (open position)
G7 with added 9th and suspended 4th
A superimposition of Dm, F, and G
Dm11 with no 9th
Το ακόρντο όμως, επιβεβαιώθηκε από τον πλέον αρμόδιο, τον George Harrison ως Fadd9 τον Φεβρουάριο του 2001 - που κι αυτός όμως, ανάθεμα κι αν ήξερε τι έπαιζε ο Paul McCartney στο μπάσο:
Q: Mr Harrison, what is the opening chord you used for A Hard Day's Night?
A: It is F with a G on top (on the 12-string), but you'll have to ask Paul about the bass note to get the proper story.