Αγαπητοί φίλοι
Εάν εχετε λογαριασμο στο REVERBNATION και λάβετε - ή έχετε λάβει - μύνημα που αναφέρει οτι είναι απο την δισκογραφική POLYDOR RECORDS του τύπου :
Dear ......,
POLYDOR RECORDS has sent you a message:
Subject: Hello
Hello this is Polydor Records label from UK , We are registered label and have been operating with great success in the music industry in bringing up many young and talented up coming artiste.For now we really need some new artiste in all kind of genre.for some new deal, we check through your profile and your songs we really have interest in them. So we will like to invite you to our audition which will be coming up on the 27th January, 2011..you can reach the director on the following as we will like to hear more of your songs and know about you and your group(if available).
Marc Helen ( Director)
[email protected]
Marshawn evans.
Α Γ Ν Ο Η Σ Τ Ε Τ Ο καθώς πρόκειται περι scum message και ουδεμία σχέση εχει με την Polydor!
Εάν εχετε λογαριασμο στο REVERBNATION και λάβετε - ή έχετε λάβει - μύνημα που αναφέρει οτι είναι απο την δισκογραφική POLYDOR RECORDS του τύπου :
Dear ......,
POLYDOR RECORDS has sent you a message:
Subject: Hello
Hello this is Polydor Records label from UK , We are registered label and have been operating with great success in the music industry in bringing up many young and talented up coming artiste.For now we really need some new artiste in all kind of genre.for some new deal, we check through your profile and your songs we really have interest in them. So we will like to invite you to our audition which will be coming up on the 27th January, 2011..you can reach the director on the following as we will like to hear more of your songs and know about you and your group(if available).
Marc Helen ( Director)
[email protected]
Marshawn evans.
Α Γ Ν Ο Η Σ Τ Ε Τ Ο καθώς πρόκειται περι scum message και ουδεμία σχέση εχει με την Polydor!
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