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Ο Jay, ιδιοκτήτης της GuitarFetish (με τους περιβόητους-πάμθηνους-πολλά υποσχόμενους αλλά και αμφιλεγόμενους GFS μαγνήτες) ανακάλυψα σήμερα ότι είναι και μέλος του forum της Harmony Central.
Σε αυτό το thread εξηγεί πού φτιάχνονται οι μαγνήτες του, με τι πρώτες ύλες κλπ κλπ (πολλοί τον "κατηγορούν ότι ψωνίζει από Κίνα):
" We do not buy from this company or any other of the HUNDREDS of Asian based catalog houses.
Every single item we offer is ordered directly from the factory. We use suppliers in the USA, Europe, Japan and Korea. Since pickups are a fairly common item thatmust fit into a pre-existing slot- lots of manufacturers use the same covers and screws and bobbins etc.- in some cases items of vastly differing quality look almost exactly the same in a 72 dpi web image.
EVERY SINGLE ONE of our GFS brand pickups is designed by us here in Boston. We build hand wound prototypes, and where needed procide Cad blurpints for new molds and fixtures. They are made to our exact specs in Korea. many use USA sourced wire and german alnico magnets.
Most of our electronics are based upon a preexisting circuit board topography, but in every case the components and consequently the tone is vastly different from the "catalog house" versions.
The bridges and tuning machines are in many cases stock items- in some cases they are custom made for us.
You'd be VERY SURPRISED to see where the parts and pickups and various guitar hardware made in the same factories as the ones we use wind up- some very prestigious guitar manufacturers are unpacking the same Ocean containers that we are...
I'm a high end guy at heart- 60's Strats and Les Paul Juniors and Lollars and fralins and all the good stuff- but every pickup we sell is something that I would and DO play out with- in front of people- live. If I can't use it we don't sell it.
Not sure why some people have such a hard time with good quality stuff that's cheap??"
Σε άλλο thread προκαλεί με τη δήλωσή του ότι οι μαγνήτες του "χτυπάνε" στα ίσια άλλους φτιαγμένους από boutique κατασκευαστές (Lindy Fralin, Lollars κλπ)
"Well It's fair criticism I guess-
We DO stock CRl, Oak grigsby, CTS and most other standard USA parts- as well as the full line of Megswitches from germany. I imagine we'll add all of that stuff to the website at some point- We do use that stuff for our custom hand-wired guards.
Our thing is value- call it cheap if you want- but it's value. Most of our customers buying parts are NOT looking for a money-is-no-object solution. They want to fix or modify their own guitar. Most 5-way buyers seem to be replacing a switch in an imported guitar- so the PCB version is easier to use for them.
The Alpha PCB switches may seem like crap to guys like us- experienced guitar tinkerers, but to a younger player or someone who is doing this for the first time the CRL switch is a nightmare- You have to add a jumper wire, if you overheat the tabs the ocntacts fail- While the alpha can take a ton of heat and they almost never wear out. I use CRL or Megaswitch on my guitars, but there's a big market for the cheaper, simpler items as well.
Our Alpha pots are excellent, and cheap.
There are SOOOO many places to buy the other stuff I can't imagine why we're in the wrong here-
For the guy who called our GFS pickups "generic"- Come on now- that's just bullshit. I hand wind every friggin protoype myself- I assure you we spend just as much time in R&D as any other manufacturer in the world- At any given moment we have more than 100 demo instruments loadedup with our stuff and the best pickups in the world- our goal is to deliver at least as much, if not more- tone than any pickup set out there. Yes I'll put my GFS stuff up against ANYONE's pickups- I do the blindfold test every frickin day in our demo room- and even at gigs- identical USA strats with ours versus theirs- and we even have a Les Paul with interchangeable pickups- I'd say the preferences seem to run around 50-50% for us versus the handwound gang- maybe more like 60-40 for us against the better factory made stuff- And like 98-2% against the Factory pickups in most new guitars.
It's easy- if you don't like what we sell don't buy from us. BUT- I've got some pretty cool stuff coming down the pike- and even the most jaded Guitarfetish-haters out there are gonna want some of this stuff- it's our own proprietary stuff- only available from us- more info later...
Also we will be the worldwide distributors of an incredible handmade overdrive pedal- made in Atlanta- not cheap, just great."
Τι λέτε??? Θα τον δικαιώσει η ιστορία ή όχι...????:roll:
ΥΓ: Σόρυ για το μεγάλο post αλλά το forum της H.C. δε μου δίνει τη δυνατότητα να στείλω απευθείας link από τα συγκεκριμένα posts...
Σε αυτό το thread εξηγεί πού φτιάχνονται οι μαγνήτες του, με τι πρώτες ύλες κλπ κλπ (πολλοί τον "κατηγορούν ότι ψωνίζει από Κίνα):
" We do not buy from this company or any other of the HUNDREDS of Asian based catalog houses.
Every single item we offer is ordered directly from the factory. We use suppliers in the USA, Europe, Japan and Korea. Since pickups are a fairly common item thatmust fit into a pre-existing slot- lots of manufacturers use the same covers and screws and bobbins etc.- in some cases items of vastly differing quality look almost exactly the same in a 72 dpi web image.
EVERY SINGLE ONE of our GFS brand pickups is designed by us here in Boston. We build hand wound prototypes, and where needed procide Cad blurpints for new molds and fixtures. They are made to our exact specs in Korea. many use USA sourced wire and german alnico magnets.
Most of our electronics are based upon a preexisting circuit board topography, but in every case the components and consequently the tone is vastly different from the "catalog house" versions.
The bridges and tuning machines are in many cases stock items- in some cases they are custom made for us.
You'd be VERY SURPRISED to see where the parts and pickups and various guitar hardware made in the same factories as the ones we use wind up- some very prestigious guitar manufacturers are unpacking the same Ocean containers that we are...
I'm a high end guy at heart- 60's Strats and Les Paul Juniors and Lollars and fralins and all the good stuff- but every pickup we sell is something that I would and DO play out with- in front of people- live. If I can't use it we don't sell it.
Not sure why some people have such a hard time with good quality stuff that's cheap??"
Σε άλλο thread προκαλεί με τη δήλωσή του ότι οι μαγνήτες του "χτυπάνε" στα ίσια άλλους φτιαγμένους από boutique κατασκευαστές (Lindy Fralin, Lollars κλπ)
"Well It's fair criticism I guess-
We DO stock CRl, Oak grigsby, CTS and most other standard USA parts- as well as the full line of Megswitches from germany. I imagine we'll add all of that stuff to the website at some point- We do use that stuff for our custom hand-wired guards.
Our thing is value- call it cheap if you want- but it's value. Most of our customers buying parts are NOT looking for a money-is-no-object solution. They want to fix or modify their own guitar. Most 5-way buyers seem to be replacing a switch in an imported guitar- so the PCB version is easier to use for them.
The Alpha PCB switches may seem like crap to guys like us- experienced guitar tinkerers, but to a younger player or someone who is doing this for the first time the CRL switch is a nightmare- You have to add a jumper wire, if you overheat the tabs the ocntacts fail- While the alpha can take a ton of heat and they almost never wear out. I use CRL or Megaswitch on my guitars, but there's a big market for the cheaper, simpler items as well.
Our Alpha pots are excellent, and cheap.
There are SOOOO many places to buy the other stuff I can't imagine why we're in the wrong here-
For the guy who called our GFS pickups "generic"- Come on now- that's just bullshit. I hand wind every friggin protoype myself- I assure you we spend just as much time in R&D as any other manufacturer in the world- At any given moment we have more than 100 demo instruments loadedup with our stuff and the best pickups in the world- our goal is to deliver at least as much, if not more- tone than any pickup set out there. Yes I'll put my GFS stuff up against ANYONE's pickups- I do the blindfold test every frickin day in our demo room- and even at gigs- identical USA strats with ours versus theirs- and we even have a Les Paul with interchangeable pickups- I'd say the preferences seem to run around 50-50% for us versus the handwound gang- maybe more like 60-40 for us against the better factory made stuff- And like 98-2% against the Factory pickups in most new guitars.
It's easy- if you don't like what we sell don't buy from us. BUT- I've got some pretty cool stuff coming down the pike- and even the most jaded Guitarfetish-haters out there are gonna want some of this stuff- it's our own proprietary stuff- only available from us- more info later...
Also we will be the worldwide distributors of an incredible handmade overdrive pedal- made in Atlanta- not cheap, just great."
Τι λέτε??? Θα τον δικαιώσει η ιστορία ή όχι...????:roll:
ΥΓ: Σόρυ για το μεγάλο post αλλά το forum της H.C. δε μου δίνει τη δυνατότητα να στείλω απευθείας link από τα συγκεκριμένα posts...
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