Among the original songs are "I Looked Away" (Eric Clapton, Bobby Whitlock), "Bell Bottom Blues" (Clapton), "Keep on Growing" (Clapton, Whitlock), "I Am Yours" (Clapton, Nezami), "Anyday" (Clapton, Whitlock), "Tell the Truth" (Clapton, Whitlock),"Why Does Love Got to Be So Sad?" (Clapton, Whitlock), "Layla" (Clapton, Jim Gordon), and "Thorn Tree in the Garden" (Whitlock).
Αν θεσ να πείς δεν το έχει γράψει μόνο ο clapton συμφωνώ
Εκτός αν τα κιθαρισρικά μέρη τα έγραψε ο Gordon που είναι........ντράμμερ