...άσε που μερικά γκρούπ έχουν γράψει ιστορία έτσι...
Η ιστορία ηχογράφησης του logical song των supertramp (κάπου στη μέση του κειμένου) λέει κάτι αντίστοιχο... :wink:
"The saxophone was recorded with an STC 4038 (an English ribbon mic) in the bell and a U87 a couple of feet away for an overall sound. Because they recorded the backing live, there was concern about bleed from the saxophone. As Henderson relates, "At the time in the Village, there was only one booth, and Roger was singing live in it, so John was recorded in the toilet; he was playing the solo in the toilet. He used to complain about it a lot, but I think he was actually quite happy being in there."