Το manual του Bandit 112 λέει ότι: "το ποτενσιόμετρο αυτό ρυθμίζει την ένταση (power level) του ενισχυτή (τελικού) από 10% έως 100%. Αν ρυθμιστεί χαμηλά, η εξομείωση συμπίεσης του σήματος θα είναι πιο εμφανής"
και μια κριτική που είχα διαβάσει περιέγραφε:
"Which leads me to the fabled Transtube technology and its T-Dynamics knob. I couldn't figure this out at first, other than that people kept saying that if you kept it fully counterclockwise it sounded just like a tube amp. Cool. Well I just sort of kept it set that way. Then, when gigging with it, I became annoyed at how easily it went into overdrive when I didn't want it to, even at moderate volume levels with a not-especially hot guitar (in my case, a str@t clone), and thought something was wrong with the amp. Turns out THAT's what the T-Dynamics knob does. Here's how it works, as I gather: the knob adjusts the power level of the power amp from 10% to 100%. This doesn't just make the overall volume lower (it does, just a little), but makes it run less than efficiently, so that it goes into saturation and distortion much easier. So it's not a "tube distortion effect" per se that gets added to the sound, but actually makes the amp behave similarly to the way a tube amp would: the harder you slam those strings the more squashed and distorted it gets. If you want absolutely clean sound and maximum volume, you set T-Dynamics to 100%. Bluesy tube crunch, with slightly lower volume, set to 10%. And of course you can go anywhere in between. "