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║▌│ █│║║││█║▌ │║║█║ ©Official Page Facebook™ ® The Lost Boys
The Lost Boys' band was formed on 2005 in Thessaloniki (Greece) by Chris (Guitarist and Singer-songwriter of the band). He took the band name by his favorite movie (The Lost Boys 1987).The sound of the band is varied while their strong influence from rock and blues artists ( Roy Buchanan,Rory Gallagher,Taste,Led Zeppelin...) is prominent within the sound of the band, psychedelic and acoustic Drop D Slide Guitar Tunings mix with Chris 52' Telecaster Tone , comes along to create an interesting blend in the rhythm and melody of their songs. They have been gigging and shared the stage with many bands ( Prassein Aloga ,SARISSA,...) around the country for a few years with the same energy like back in the old days and their fans are gradually growing more and more...
The lineup first formed from guys that were actually from the same village, being close friends since they were kids.
They have released first single at the middle of the year 2013 own production and studio recording the name of it Barfly.
Includes:Vintage Harmonica and acoustic slide guitar in drop D Tuning
Xristos Tsif - Vocals & Guitar (electric blues slide guitar and acoustic slide)
Dr.Johnny - Harmonica
Dimos - Drums
Antonis - Bass
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