Καλά ε τρομερό ...μεντλεάκι!
Αυτή είναι η πιο πλήρης playlist που βρήκα στο νετ
Διορθώσεις ευπροόσδεκτες!
Traditional - Greensleeves
Handel - Messiah - Hallelujah chorus
Mozart - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Beethoven - Symphony No. 9 - "Ode to Joy"
Rossini - William Tell Overture
Puccini - Turandot - Nessun Dorma
Bach - Prelude in C Major
Beethoven - Symphony No. 5
Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra
Offenbach - Orpheus in the Underworld (Can-Can)
Bizet - Carmen - Torreador Song
Brahms - Hungarian Dance #5 (in F#m)
Tchaikovsky - Nutcracker Suite - Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies
Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite - In the Hall of the Mountain King
Rimsky-Korsakov - Flight of the Bumblebee (underneath Peer Gynt Suite)
Monty Norman - The James Bond Theme
Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite - In the Hall of the Mountain King (reprise)
Scott Joplin - The Entertainer
Brown / Freed - Singin' In The Rain
Rogers & Hammerstein - Sound of Music - Do Re Mi
Irving Berlin - Annie Get Your Gun - There's No Business Like Show Business
George Gershwin - Porgy & Bess - Summertime
Glen Miller - In The Mood
Kander / Ebb - New York, New York
Elvis Presley - Hound Dog
Roy Orbison - Pretty Woman
McCartney / Lennon - Yesterday
James Brown - I Feel Good
The Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive
??? falling scale
Abba - Money, Money, Money
Queen - Another One Bites The Dust
Eric Clapton - Layla
Michael Jackson - Billy Jean
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
John Williams - Theme from Jaws
Bernard Herrmann – Knife Scene from Hitchcock's Psycho
Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries (poss. Apocalypse Now reference?)
Jerrold Immel - Theme to Dallas
Thomas Augustine Arne - Rule Brittania
Traditional - Sailor's Hornpipe
Traditional - Shave And A Haircut (poss. Warner Bros cartoons reference? Looney Tunes?)
Wagner - Lohengrin - Wedding Chorus