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Με την αφορμή των 80ων γενεθλίων του παππού (την ημέρα της Εθνικής μας επαιτείου... τυχαίο?), κυκλοφόρησαν οι από καιρό αναμενόμενοι νέας σχεδίασης μαγνήτες του.
Ο Bill δουλεύει σε ανάλογες ιδέες από τη δεκαετία του '90. Πριν 3 χρόνια είχαν εμφανιστεί τα πρώτα πρωτότυπα, και, πιθανώς λόγω και της κατάστασης της υγείας του μόλις τώρα έγιναν διαθέσιμα τα πρώτα κομμάτια παραγωγής, για Tele και Strat.
Αντιγράφω από το φόρουμ του Lawrence, για τα τεχνικά της υπόθεσης:
Ο Bill δουλεύει σε ανάλογες ιδέες από τη δεκαετία του '90. Πριν 3 χρόνια είχαν εμφανιστεί τα πρώτα πρωτότυπα, και, πιθανώς λόγω και της κατάστασης της υγείας του μόλις τώρα έγιναν διαθέσιμα τα πρώτα κομμάτια παραγωγής, για Tele και Strat.
Αντιγράφω από το φόρουμ του Lawrence, για τα τεχνικά της υπόθεσης:
http://guitarsbyfender.yuku.com/topic/9976/Bill-s-new-micro-coil-designBill's micro-coil is a rethinking of tradition for a more efficient pickup. The construction utilizes a small, densely wound coil of fine wire with far fewer winds and optimized dimensions, making the coil form far less susceptible to noise and delivering a stronger voltage output than conventional designs. The space freed up by the coil allows for a precisely tuned magnetic structure utilizing neodymium magnets without string pull. The micro-coil has incredible sensitivity to the smallest vibrations of the string, every note offering a gorgeous full voicing with a strong fundamental and glistening, undampened highs.
One of the benefits of the low inductance micro-coil design is you can place the resonance where you want for each pickup by using capacitors. This method results in freeing the sound from influence of the cable capacitance, whereas traditional designs depend on it to establish resonance - exactly why many people think cables sound different. The only "sound" a cable has is how the cable capacitance interacts with the pickup inductance to establish the resonance. You will also find you can get a nice warm resonance for the bridge position (between about 2.4 - 2.8 kHz, depending on your amp and guitar) but keep the highs. Having a warm resonance no longer means taking away from the top end response, partially due to the much lower inductance.
The micro-coil makes the controls on the guitar more useful. Turning down the volume pot alters the volume without affecting tone. One of the coolest things Bill does with his setup is use a capacitor on the tone pot to drop the resonance down to around 1.9 kHz. This makes the voltage output to go up 2-3x, useful for a powerful, driving distortion tone with a full voice that retains sensitivity to dynamics and playing technique. You can easily use different values for sounds most useful to you.
Bill's also releasing a Keystone design with a similar approach. It won't be quite as noise resistant, but it does offer the most beautiful take on the classic "bell tone".
There are some other surprises coming up, but as we all know, Bill's always planning something