This strange composition was writen many years ago in Pelloponisos-Greece in a full moon summer night,the track has an odd rythm in 15/4 except the melody that has also other kind of meters ,the song try to represent the strange feel that we have some times when it is full moon,Sthephan Tsapis play a beatiful blues solo in the second part of this song,anyway the basic chords of the vamp of the solo parts is based on the blues interval of flat fifth ,it s only two chords but they change fast from one another and this is a chalenge for the musician that make a solo but this strangeness is that give in this track the full moon feeling ,at least for me,enjoy.
Dimitris Korontzis guitar
Stephan Tsapis keyboards
Theodore Stavrianos electric bass
Leandros Fratnik drums
Vassilis Podaras Mix and Recording on V.A.P. Studio
Mastering:Dimitris Bellos
Αthens-Greece 2017