πάντα θεωρούσα ότι ένα καλό Live έδειχνε τις δυνατότητες των μουσικών και την ζωντανή δυναμική, κάτι που χάνεται στο στούντιο, διότι οι δυνατότητες αυξάνονται εκθετικά, η δυναμική περιορίζεται καθώς υπάρχουν overdubs, ο τραγουδιστής τραγουδάει στο τέλος κλπ κλπ.
Εξ άλλου μια ηχογράφηση στο Vegas είχε εκ των προτέρων υψηλές απαιτήσεις.
Ναι σίγουρα ήταν fillers στην δισκογραφία των καλλιτεχνών, αλλά υπάρχουν παντού λαμπρές εξαιρέσεις.
Επίσης οι ηχογραφήσεις στα αγγλικά στούντιο της εποχής 1960 ήταν πολύ πίσω σε σχέση με τις αμερικάνικες, με εξαίρεση ίσως μόνο τους Beatles.
Για αυτούς και άλλους προσωπικούς λόγους ο δίσκος αυτός είναι ένας από τους 10 που αγαπάω και κρατώ.
Αντίστοιχα το Praise and blame ήταν δίσκος που φτιάχητκε σχεδόν Live (υπάρχουν τα αντίστοιχα βίντεο), από έναν Tom συνειδητοποιημένο πλέον, με άβαφο μαλλί, έχοντας επιστρέψει στην Αγγλία. Τοσο συνειδητοποιημένος που αρχικά οι παραγωγοί του τότε στην καινούργια του εταιρεία τρόμαξαν όταν επένδυσαν σε λάθος άνθρωπο.
Εχει ενδιαφέρον η όλη ιστορία που διέρρευσε στον τύπο:
SIR Tom Jones has attacked the vice-president of his own record company after a leaked e-mail last week revealed the executive branded his new album “a sick joke”.
Sir Tom was signed to Island Records for £1.5m in October and his new album, Praise And Blame, is released later this month.
The gospel album is described as a “deeply personal” collection of songs that depicts how the Welsh star feels about turning 70.
But in a leaked e-mail David Sharpe, the vice-president of Island Records, revealed he hated the album’s “churchy” theme.
Mr Sharpe fumed to colleagues: “I have just listened to the album and want to know if this is some sick joke?”
Speaking to the Western Mail yesterday, Sir Tom revealed he was furious about the “stupid” e-mail, and blasted Mr Sharpe as “some fella who writes the cheques”.
Sir Tom said: “People are going to read this and think the record company doesn’t like this or that I’ve made a mistake.
“It’s not coming from the creative people in the record company, because they’re backing it up all the way, I mean they’re thrilled with it, so I don’t understand it.
“When I questioned them and said ‘what the hell is this all about? Who is this fella? I don’t even know who he is, I found out that he’s some fella who signs cheques or something.
“But he’s not in the creative side of it and they’re 100% behind it, but people don’t know that.”
The e-mail from Mr Sharpe was scathing about Sir Tom’s album.
It stated: “We did not invest a fortune in an established artist for him to deliver 12 tracks from the common book of prayer.
“This is certainly not what we paid for.”
But Sir Tom dismissed the criticism.
He went on: “In the press it says that I’ve gone off and made something that the record company didn’t pay me for and that they don’t like it.
“People tell me that all publicity is good publicity, that’s what I’ve been told.
“People say to me ‘well it’s being talked about’, but to me its being talked about in a negative way.
“Hopefully, if there’s any good that comes out of it, it’s that people will wonder about [the new album]. But it isn’t the way I would handle it by going and making a stupid statement. That’s not going to help it.
“They’ve apologised, they can’t apologise enough – and they’ve said ‘we’ll make good on this’.”
Some commentators have suggested the leaked e-mail could actually be part of a PR campaign. Sir Tom said he had tried to find out what had gone on but had failed to get to the bottom of it.
“The record company said ‘you don’t understand he loves the record’ then I said ‘then what the f*** is this all about? What’s going on here? I read it and I was p***** off. And I’m supposed to know what’s going on!”
“They say ‘well, he’s not from the creative side’. Well people don’t know that. People see that he’s an exec of a record company – that’s what they’re reading,” he said.
“People can decide for themselves if they hear the album. As long as it doesn’t turn people off though.
“If they read it and think ‘oh look out Tom has made a mistake here, they’ve paid him for something and he’s gone off and done something else and they don’t like it’. It’s not good. That’s the part I don’t like.
“They say ‘is it a sick joke’ that’s stupid to say that. No record company is going to let you go away and record something without hearing things that you are doing.
“I mean the first two songs they wanted to hear. Producer Ethan Johns said ‘OK let them hear what we’ve done so far’, and they loved it.”