Το θέμα είναι οτί δεν υπάρχει τίποτα που να αποδυκνύει οτί το όργανο σου άνηκε κάποια στιγμή....Τι να δείξεις; φωτογραφίες από συναυλίες;;;
Θεωρητικά υπάρχουν τα register των εταιρειών όπου μπορείς να καταθέσεις το serial number. Καλή ιδέα είναι πάντως να κρατάς το serial κάπου γραμμένο, ώστε σε περίπτωση κλοπής να το καταθέσεις μαζί με τη μήνυση στην Αστυνομία.
Διαβάστε μια απίστευτη ιστορία παρακάτω. Είναι από ξένο site, στα αγγλικά δυστυχώς:
I just recieved this from a friend of mine:
I hope I get the details right, since my buddy told it to me right after it happened, and he was pretty excited. On South LamarSt. in Austin TX, there are a number of guitar and music shops that cater to pro players and vintage collectors. One of the biggest Fender dealers in Texas has a place called "Heart Of Texas" run by a guy named Ray Hennig. Just around the corner from his place is another vintage/repair shop run by a guy named......Fulton, I think.
Anyway, last Tuesday a week ago, an elderly lady, possibly in her mid to late 80's, came in and told Ray that she had some guitars she wanted to sell, as her husband or whatever had passed away, and he had had them for quite some time. She had been offered $350 for all four, and wanted to know if that was a fair price for these "used" guitars. Ray went out and
brought them in. The first case he opened had a reallynice '58 Strat in it, complete with strap and all. The second one was a 1961 orange label 335 dot-neck in super shape. The third one was a '62 Strat in excellent condition, and the fourth one was some kind of a Martin acoustic. Someone in the store ran around to Fulton's and told him, and he ran over to see if this was all true. After much controlled enthusiasm between all in attendance, he told the lady, "Yes, I think they are worth every bit of $350.....you could probably add a zero or two on the end", or something like that. Ray agreed to let Fulton in to help broker these out, since he was personal friends with a lot of well-known, (read, financially comfortable), musicians, one being Eric Johnson.
They called Eric up, (he lives nearby Austin), and he came right over to look them over. When he got there, he sat down and began to play on the '58 Strat. He became immersed in the sounds that came from it, and
all in attendance kept picking their jaws up off the floor at how he became at one with this guitar. After 7 or 8 minutes of non-stop play, he raised his head and smiled at everyone, and said, "This is truly my guitar.....". Everyone smiled, and agreed it was a perfect match for him. He then said, "No, really, I mean this is REALLY my guitar...it was stolen with three others out of my north Austin apartment in 1982,and I had no insurance. But I did call the police, and gave them the serial numbers"!
There was a call to the downtown police station, and after several minutes,the word came back that the records had been located, and they were, indeed, his guitars! How cool is that!!! This is really a true story as far as I can tell, since my buddy has a studio just across thestreet, and everyone was buzzing about it. No word yet on how the old lady is doing.