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Ότι δημοσιεύτηκε από interconnected

  1. nobodys kicking me kid...i always get out myself got it ?...and now its over i am fed up with this shit...i dont have only to deal with crap music but with crap people as well... Adios....
  2. and btw mr deadendmind you forget the most important of all... that you wanted to buy the cz 101 for 150 e...so you got pissed off cause i told you that i am selling it not giving it away but thats another story...
  3. always the same...btw got palso yesterday what about you ?...my next login name will be timewaster like most of you talking like that to someone who dont even know kids... see ya....
  4. hey listen up all...the rules are clear i think "no greeklish or caps" does anyware states clearly "ONLY GREEK" ?...anyway dont really think that you have a prob with the language one uses but that his opinion is different to many people here...now for members like "panagiotis" - hey this is Greeklish man !!! - and "Jasemeister" i dont have a clue WTF really are and why they deal with me in this bad way...maybe my opinion about elica made them act like that...told ya the other time i was banned that i hate "Friends" that support each other in this way especially when they dont deserve it...and a simple example...after my post about elicas music the rest of the thread was full of comments about my opinion and not dealing with stating their own thoughts about them...see ya.
  5. interconnected

    Elica on myspace

    whats the prob guys ? my english or my opinion about the music i heard ?...just try to stay on topic and judge the music itself like i did even in a way you dont like...SIMPLE as that.
  6. interconnected

    Elica on myspace

    i am not joking with music if you do thats your prob. i am free to talk about that since i can have a listen in person its that simple.
  7. interconnected

    Elica on myspace

    i know that thanks he he...
  8. interconnected

    Elica on myspace

    sonicspot is back !!!!
  9. interconnected

    Elica on myspace

    he he...
  10. interconnected

    Elica on myspace

    hey this is crap music really...
  11. FL ROCKS !!
  12. 0404 sounds ok to me...although has some problsms with games...
  13. really nice stuff...also vince clark - Yazoo - used it a lot
  14. check youtube for the sounds ...
  15. this looks like a typical fraud so better avoid it...
  16. crap music for crap products and idiots i am afraid...there is a tendency to treat us like idiots i think...and btw do you have to be somebodys boy/girl to make it ?...HATE THIS SHIT....
  17. roland sh 1000 ?
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