Προς το περιεχόμενο

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


ποια ειναι η διαφορα οταν το σωμα και γενικα την κιθαρα την κατασκευαζει ανθρωπινο χερι απο το να την κατασκευαζει πχ.ενα μηχανημα(οπως θα δειτε στο παρακατω link).δεν ειναι μηπως και αυτο 100% ακριβες στην κατασκευη;δεν ειμαι υπερ καποιου απο τα παραπανω γιατι δεν ξερω.ολοι λενε οτι ειναι καλυτερο μια κιθαρα να φτιαχνεται απο ανθρωπινα χερια και οχι απο μηχανες και μου ακουγεται λογικο.γιατι ομως...;


να ενα σχετικο link:



Καταρχήν ο τύπος τον οποίο αναφέρεις στο link στις ΗΠΑ θεωρείται απο ψυχοπαθης εως & γραφικός :lol:

Δεύτερον η ΣΥΝΤΡΙΠΤΙΚΗ πλειοψηφία των κιθαρών αυτη τη στιγμή κατασκευάζονται (ή τουλάχιστον διαμορφώνονται) απο μηχανήματα ελεγχόμενα απο κομπιούτερ (CNC ROUTERS ) πολλές δουλειές όμως (ταστα,set up,ηλεκτρονικά) γίνονται & ΠΑΝΤΑ θα γίνονται με τα χέρια.

Αρα λοιπόν ακόμα & η φθηνότερη κινέζικη κιθάρα έχει λίγο "χειροποίηση" :lol: στην κατασκευή της.

Ως συνήθως μη μασάς με τα hype :wink:



  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Δεν ξέρω αν είναι ψυχοπαθής η γραφικός,αλλά σίγουρα είναι κακόγουστος σε σημείο που φτάνει στο kitsch.Οι κιθάρες του είναι butt-ugly,για να μη χρησιμοποιήσω χειρότερη έκφραση...Γέλασα πάντως με αυτά που έλεγε...δεν του είπε κανείς πως αν παίζει rock n roll θα πάει στην κόλαση; :twisted:

Occam's razor makes the cutting clean.


"Υποτίθεται" ότι οι χειροποίητες κιθάρες είναι πιο προσεγμένες και καλά από τις εργοστασιακές. Εγώ προσωπικά πιστεύω με την μικρή εμπειρία που διαθέτω ότι δεν έχει και τόσο μεγάλη διαφορά (ειδικά στις κιθάρες που μεσολαβούν μαγνήτες, προενισχυτές, εφέ, ενισχυτές κτλ.). Το ζήτημα είναι κιόλας ότι το να έχεις μια κιθάρα χειροποίητη εξασφαλίζει αυτόματα ότι πολύ μικρή πιθανότητα υπάρχει να έχει και κάποιος άλλος την ίδια κιθάρα με σένα...


ΥΓ : Ενδιαφέρον link, πραγματικά γέλασα με την ψυχή μου.

  • 5 χρόνια αργότερα...

Ισχύει αυτό που λέει ο τύπος οτι οι G&L δεν χρησιμοποιούν μηχανήματα?




Leo Fender's company was sold in 1965 and all his instruments were hand made at the time. Every operation was hand controlled and not computer controlled. The current Fender company has nothing to do with Leo Fender except his name. G&L guitars still do not use CNC machines, in large part to Leo's wishes. So NO, Leo is not the Devil, he is an angel in heaven.


την πάτησα....

Ισχύει αυτό που λέει ο τύπος οτι οι G&L δεν χρησιμοποιούν μηχανήματα?


φυσικα και χρησιμοποιουν




τωρα αν δεν χρησιμοποιουν cnc routers ο λογος ειναι ενας απο τους παρακατω




3. ειναι το 1 & 2 μαζι....




edit,βρηκα αυτο το γραμμα της G&L προς τους dealers της:


Dear G&L dealer,


In recent years, many makers of fine hand-crafted goods have come to the realization that some modern production techniques can be blended with their time-honored traditions of old-world hand craftsmanship. For example, legendary automobile makers such as Bentley, Ferrari, Rolls Royce and Aston Martin have each successfully blended old-world craftsmanship with new-world production technology. The goal is always to produce even better quality products by letting machines do some of the mid-level processing work, allowing the crafts-people more time to use their talents in ways that add more value to the product.


In the world of electric guitars, G&L has been blessed with the traditions and methods taught to us by our founder, Leo Fender. Leo strongly believed in hand-craftsmanship, particularly for premium musical instruments. At the same time, Leo was intrigued by modern approaches to doing things, and he had great admiration for such approaches where the product was honestly better for it. As G&L approached this year, our 25th anniversary, we had been carefully studying what sort of modern methods may be appropriate for G&L, methods which would allow the finished product to remain of superb quality and individuality. Eventually, we came to the conclusion that that the time is right for some mid-level processing in our woodshop to be done by a brand-new, high-end Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine rather than by manually-fed pin-router. Naturally, the work performed by the machine would be carefully inspected by our woodshop team.


Having made the decision, G&L recently took delivery of two compact CNC machines of the kind typically used for machining metal parts to aerospace tolerances. These machines are capable of amazing detail and have far tighter tolerances than conventional CNC-controlled wood-milling machines optimized for high-speed, mass-production applications requiring less strict tolerances, such as conventional furniture construction. The fact is, our machines are capable of infinitely more than we can visualize now, but our team decided that if were going to allow any CNC machines, they had better be the best. What’s more, we anticipate that we will begin producing some of our metal parts on these machines rather than by outside contractors as we’ve always done, giving us greater control over quality.


Our goal in employing these machines is to free our craftsmen from some of the mid-level processes in the woodshop: use of a band saw to rough cut body and neck blanks, and the use of pin-routers and templates to cut the body outline, neck pocket, pickup, bridge and control cavities. Neither of these procedures contributes the hand craftsmanship evident in every G&L, and with the machines performing this work, our craftsmen have more time to devote to both the early and late stages of wood-shop production. The later stages, in particular, are where the benefits of the hand-craftsmanship in G&L instruments become appreciable to the musician, in terms of sculpted shapes and feel. The early stages include wood selection for bodies, tops, necks, fingerboards and preparation of body and neck blanks via our traditional, handwork-intensive means.


Here’s how G&L’s use of machines is different: The CNC machines will be employed by our wood shop craftsmen solely for mid-level processes. The deep and complex contours of the bodies will still be shaped free-hand as they are today. The rear profile of each neck, and the way that profile gracefully flows into the headstock, will continue to be shaped by hand by our most skilled woodshop craftsmen. In other words, the hand-craftsmanship that musicians treasure will remain in the hands of our dedicated craftsmen.


This is not something that will happen overnight, however, as the integration of the machines will likely take several months. There is a lot of programming code yet to be written and even more testing to be performed. To give you an idea, right now we are working on our first operation using the machine: routing the twin voice-chambers of a semi-hollow body blank. Fortunately, we have one of the most experienced men in the world to help us, a man who is both a spectacular luthier with nearly three decades of electric guitar building experience behind him, and a pioneer in the engineering, programming and operation of compact, aerospace-grade CNC machines in custom shop guitar building.


We realize that most of you already realize that manually-fed pin-routers, guided by a template, are not a component of the hand-craftsmanship in our woodshop anyway. And, in fact, the pin-routers are an elementary form of mechanization, though an operator must move the template-mounted wood around on the table rather than the table automatically moving with the item fixed to it. But, as you know, G&L resisted the use of any form of CNC work for many years because we want the skill and individuality of our craftsmen to be clearly communicated through the touch, feel and tone of every G&L made in our Fender Avenue facility, just as Leo would have wanted. Though we’ve gone through years of debate and exploration, we have found the right direction for our woodshop: Leave the hand-craftsmanship unchanged, and allow machine-work be done entirely by a machine, rather than require our craftsmen to manually feed the wood during some operations.


Each and every one of us sends our thanks and appreciation to you for your support of G&L.


Warm regards,



Rob Rizzuto

VP Sales and Marketing




Αρα όντως  μέχρι κάποια στιγμή δεν χρησιμοποιούσαν CNC. Αλλά ακόμα και τώρα το πιο πολύ μέρος τηε παραγωγής γίνεται από ειδικούς τεχνίτες. Μάλιστα περηφανεύονται πολύ για κάποια μηχανήματα πατέντας Leo που χρησιμοποιούν ακόμα , όπως πχ αυτό που τυλίγει τους μαγνήτες


την πάτησα....


Ειδικοι τεχνιτες και τριχες κατσαρες... ;D


Μια σανιδα με ενα βιδωμενο κομματι ξυλο για μπρατσο & δυο-τρια... πηνια ;D ειναι οι G&L οπως και οι Fender δεν ειναι και Benedetto... ;D (οποιος ξερει να χειριζεται...πριονι....ειναι..ειδικος τεχνιτης.. ;D)


Απο εκει και περα παει το mumbo jumbo συννεφο.... ;D



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