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Περισσότερες συμμετοχές

Περισσότερες συμμετοχές

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Ανέκαθεν η μουσική του μου φαινόταν πολύ δύσκολη στα αυτιά και το μυαλό μου. Άκουγα λιγάκι, μετά τον άφηνα. Όσο περνάνε τα χρόνια οι φορές που θα ψάξω κάποιο κομμάτι του είναι περισσότερες. Το ίδιο ισχύει και για έναν από τους σπουδαίους που αναφέρθηκαν σε αυτόν, τον επίσης εκλιπόντα Shawn Lane, τον οποίο πραγματικά λατρεύω.


Λυπάμαι και που έφυγε ξαφνικά, αλλά κυρίως που έφυγε χωρίς να έχει εκτιμηθεί όσο θα έπρεπε η δουλειά του. Ευτυχώς, βλέπω σήμερα διάφορα videos/photos που ανεβάζουν αγαπημένοι μου κιθαρίστες μαζί του, σαν εγγόνια που κοιτάνε τον παππού τους, με σεβασμό, θαυμασμό και αγάπη.


Πολύ κρίμα επίσης που η οικογένειά του αναγκάστηκε να κάνει GoFundMe λογαριασμό για τα έξοδα της κηδείας, είναι η απόδειξη του πόσο μπροστά ήταν από την εποχή του. Λίγοι τον κατάλαβαν πραγματικά. Ελπίζω μία μέρα να καταλάβω έστω το 10% από αυτά που έκανε.


Προς το παρόν έχω κρατήσει ότι πρέπει ο κάθε μουσικός να παίζει όπως πραγματικά θέλει, να βγάζει προς τα έξω αυτό που έχει στο μυαλό και στην ψυχή του, χωρίς περιορισμούς είδους, σκηνής, φήμης, κλπ. Όπως ακριβώς το έκανε και ο Allan Holdsworth.

More is more. Yngwie Malmsteen


Και κάποιοι αποχαιρετισμοί φίλων και θαυμαστών του από τα social media (η λίστα θα ανανεώνεται):


"I am deeply saddened to hear the news about my friend and musical guitar genius Allan Holdsworth’s death.

I loved him. I’ll never forget the first time I heard him was on Jean-luc Ponty’s Enigmatic Ocean. His solos and tone on the first tune and that album are what stands in my mind as some of the most beautiful brilliant guitar playing ever recorded. From there I went on to discover more and more amazing guitar playing with Tony Williams Lifetime and his solo albums were mind-bending. I was about 17 at this time. A kid from Canberra, Australia and by this time had been playing guitar since I was 5 or 6 yet I had absolutely no idea what he was doing and I had absolutely no idea how to even begin playing like that. He quickly became a genius I classified as inimitable.


I loved what he stood for. I loved his uncompromising musicality and innovation on the guitar. He carved a path where no one had gone before. To lead is MUCH harder than to follow. He led. He led multitudes of guitar players and indeed players of all instruments into wildly new possibilities. He bent our ears. His music was deeply complex, like an Einstein equation on a blackboard that often times left most listeners bewildered, confused, uncomfortable, disoriented….but for those of us who had spent many years playing and studying music, revering those unique humans that go far beyond what we think is possible, we got it!

I wrote Allan a letter many years ago praising him as highly and as eloquently as I could because, I got it. I wanted him to know that I got it and I told him, because I wanted him to know, that what he had achieved was brilliant, genius, art in its highest and purest innovative form and that I loved him for it. I told him also that, whether or not the world, that often celebrates talentless, insipid, pointless and over-hyped pseudo music genius’, understood or valued his greatness, I most certainly did. We had a deep understanding and mutual respect for one another.


He was a gentle, self-deprecating fellow who was full of the British quirky wit. My first encounter with him was on my first Elektric Band tour. I was new (1986). Allan Holdsworth Trio was opening for us every night of the tour. So I had to go on after his genius guitar playing every night. It was an incredible trial by fire for me. I was a huge fan even back then and was in awe of him really. Alan was so funny and me, being Australian, we had an instant rapport, the ice was quickly broken and it led to decades of paths crossing.

None was more special than the “Truth In Shredding” album. The title was named by Mark Varney, the label owner, who was a huge fan of both Allan and myself. His dream was to put us together on an album. We both hated the title…shredding indeed! Anyway, the album deal stipulated that Alan and I must play a solo of at least 3 minutes in length on every track. I had to time the solo chord sequences and count choruses to add up to over 3 minutes…anyway, it was a great experience working with him and mixing and watching his process. He was the most meticulous person with tone. He had no problem tweaking for hours on a solo tone. A true perfectionist and master of audio as well as the guitar and music.

I remember being inches away from his hands on the guitar and thinking to myself, what on Earth are you playing? I couldn’t even understand it even from that kind of proximity. It was as if an alien had landed from another planet. He would often say the same thing about me and every time he did I would throw it right back at him. This would pretty much be our banter and how we greeted each other every time we saw each other. A back-and-forth of praise. “Allan you’re a genius!

He’d say: “No you!

Me: “No, no…YOU!

Alan “No YOU”…etcetera, and then laughter and hugs.


He could play through ANY chords, even 10 chords a bar like a hot knife through butter.

All those genius chords, chord-melody, heads to his compositions were truly like modern Classical music and then he would proceed to solo over them in a truly other-wordly way. His linear playing was as spectacular as his chords. No one plays like him, many have tried imitating him, but no one really came close. He was way ahead. Way ahead. Still is. Maybe in 50 years from now, when the world catches up, people will appreciate him more. I hope so. He was sadly under-compensated throughout his time on this planet.


Sadly, like many under-appreciated geniuses in this world, he died penniless. It hurts my heart to know this. So sad that the world couldn’t support such a great artist while he was alive! There is a crowd -funding link below to support the family for the memorial services.

Please give generously, I will be.


Allan, you will be missed. NAMM 2017 was the last time I gave you a BIG hug and told you how great you are. Sadly I won’t have more opportunities to do that.

Your legacy will live on through your music and the influence you have had on the music community. My deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.

Rest in peace my brother in arms." - Frank Gambale


"My hero and friend passed away today. His music will surely live forever. Rest in Peace Allan Holdsworth. We will miss you." - Kurt Rosenwinkel


"I always found myself speechless with Allan's otherworldly musicality and soaring virtuosity.

And now, sadly, I find myself speechless with his passing.

#allanholdsworth #rip #mostinnovativeever" - Greg Howe


"R.I.P. Allan Holdsworth. You remain an enormous inspiration to me. Your beautiful music will live on forever." - Joe Satriani


"Allan Holdsworth RIP

We are very sorry to hear that Allan passed away this weekend.

He was an astounding player who continually defied the norm, ignored the perceived path and outplayed everyone! He was often discontent with his own performances, performances that others would have been quite content with! Also a true guitarist's guitarist." - Steve Howe on behalf of YES


"Goodbye Allan Holdsworth, until we meet again" - John McLaughlin


"Allan Holdsworth’s unique contribution to the electric guitar is unquantifiable. I remember him saying to me once that his goal was to create a catalog of music that was undiluted. Well, that he did…. Dear Allan, you were extraordinary and from all of us who you've touched so deeply with your brilliance, we are grateful. Rest in deep peace my friend" - Steve Vai


"It will take days, and then years, and possibly the rest of my life to process the news I just received. One of the great geniuses (I reserve this combination of words for about as many fingers as I have on one hand) has left our plane of existence.... Allan Holdsworth thank you so much for what brought to this world!!!! Words cannot express the inspiration you brought to so many with your fearless pursuit of a truly unique MUSIC with it's own set of parameters and systems of integrity (to which you always held yourself up to, and never felt satisfied enough to say you had achieved!! Although we KNOW that you did!!). On this Easter Sunday feel as if I have lost a family member... one of my true musical fathers. I'm finding it hard to write this last line without getting choked up, but...RIP Allan Holdsworth...to say you will be missed is an understatement"

It will take days, and then years, and possibly the rest of my life to process the news I just received. One of the great geniuses (I reserve this combination of words for about as many fingers as I have on one hand) has left our plane of existence.... Allan Holdsworth thank you so much for what brought to this world!!!! Words cannot express the inspiration you brought to so many with your fearless pursuit of a truly unique MUSIC with it's own set of parameters and systems of integrity (to which you always held yourself up to, and never felt satisfied enough to say you had achieved!! Although we KNOW that you did!!). On this Easter Sunday feel as if I have lost a family member... one of my true musical fathers. I'm finding it hard to write this last line without getting choked up, but...RIP Allan Holdsworth...to say you will be missed is an understatement" - Jonathan Kreisberg


"With enormous sadness I write to express my condolences to Allan's family on the loss of a much-loved father and grandfather, my friend and colleague. For several years in the 1970s, through my own band and 'UK', I listened to him nightly, launching sheets of sound on an unsuspecting audience, changing perceptions about what guitars and guitarists should or could be doing, thrilling me half to death.I would have paid to be at my own gig.


Allan wasn't easy, but if it was easy it wouldn't have been Allan. Like all creative musicians he was restless and relentless in pursuit of 'the perfect sound', the one that he couldn't get out of his head, the one that would never leave him alone. Now he will be at peace. Still, my guitar gently weeps. " - Bill Bruford


"I cant believe it!

Allan Holdsworth, legendary guitarist of our generation !

He changed the game + was the sweetest guy ever...

RIP" - Steve Lukather


"It's been comforting and healing in part by reading all of the tributes and stories today of everyone meeting and hearing the master perform his one of a kind music. All of the picture post are so wonderful to see as well. So many people have been touched by Allan Holdsworth's genius and art. A lot of His fans have been listening to his recordings or video today and talking about what they witnessed at live concerts.

This evening I've been playing through his compositions to help the sadness and pain.


One that I play often is Funnel's. He wrote this for the QueensMary Jazz festival, ( the Three Funnels on the Queens Mary) Allan was playing with Michael Brecker, Stanley Clarke and George Duke ,they were all asked to bring in a tune. Allan had no "tunes" to bring in so he wrote this song. He told me they didn't play it although Brecker really wanted to have a go at it. Imagine the notes between Allan and Michael if they had played it. Too bad it didn't happen. So Allan instead recorded it on Atavachron. It's one of my favorites. We will always have his music. Thank-You Schnell Meistor!!! - Steve Hunt (ο οποίος παίζει στο FB και 2 συνθέσεις του στο πιάνο σαν αποχαιρετισμό)


"Brother Alan Love to you and your sincere genuine style of playing your guitar


Ήταν στο τσακ να τα πουλήσει όλα και να τα παρατήσει, αλλά η γυναίκα του (που την εκθειάζει συχνά για το πόσο του στάθηκε) έβαλε υποθήκη ένα σπίτι που είχε, για να μπορέσει ο Allan να συνεχίσει να κάνει αυτό που έκανε.


Κάτι αντίστοιχο θυμάμαι και σε σχέση με το SynthAxe, που έλεγε σε συνέντευξη ότι πούλησε ένα σπίτι για να το αποκτήσει...





Ακόμα και σήμερα μου σηκώνεται η τρίχα όταν ακούω το συγκεκριμένο  όπως όταν το είχα πρωτοακούσει πριν απο κανά τριανταριά χρόνια και με είχε τσιμπήσει σαν το ψάρι..


Όσο θυμάμαι και άλλα ..τι να πω ..κοκάλωσα.. :-X


Απίστευτος μουσικός..


Καλό ταξίδι..

  • Moderator

Ρε παιδιά, (αν και διαγώνια διάβασα το νήμα), έχω την εντύπωση ότι ο Holdsworth δεν ήταν και "άσημος" ή μή γνωστός στο ευρύ κοινό.


Τουλάχιστον στους ακροατές αυτού του στυλ (και όχι μόνο) πασίγνωστος ήταν (δεν μιλαώ για τα οικονομικά του- για τη φήμη μιλάω- τα οικονομικά του δεν τα ξέρω).



Οκ, αν δεν τον ήξερε η Λίτσα που ακούει ..τι ακούει ....οκ  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Ρε παιδιά, (αν και διαγώνια διάβασα το νήμα), έχω την εντύπωση ότι ο Holdsworth δεν ήταν και "άσημος" ή μή γνωστός στο ευρύ κοινό.


Τουλάχιστον στους ακροατές αυτού του στυλ (και όχι μόνο) πασίγνωστος ήταν (δεν μιλαώ για τα οικονομικά του- για τη φήμη μιλάω- τα οικονομικά του δεν τα ξέρω).


Οκ, αν δεν τον ήξερε η Λίτσα που ακούει ..τι ακούει ....οκ  ;D ;D ;D ;D


και νομίζεις αγόραζε κανείς τους δίσκους του?

ή είχαν airplay?

στο αμερικάνικο για να παιχτεί κάτι μέρα πρέπει να είναι στο top40

Όλα τα άλλα νύχτα.


Οι μόνοι του δίσκοι που ίσως πούλησαν ήταν το Bundles, το Enigmatic Ocean, το One of a kind, η γκαζόζα, το expresso II και όλα ήταν άλλων.

Εκεί τον είχαν μόνο για σολο.

Και είχα διαβάσει παλιά στο guitar palyer (το έχω νομίζω ακόμα το τεύχος) ότι δεν του άρεζε που όλοι του γυρεύανε απλώς να σολάρει.

Ήθελε συνθετική δουλειά. Που όμως δεν είχε απήχηση, εκτός από μόνο κιθαρίστες.

Μέσα σε ένα συγκεκριμένο πλαίσιο έλαμπε.

Οι δικές του συνθέσεις ήταν τόσο δαιδαλώδεις που μόνο μουσικοί μπορούν να κατανοήσουν.

με σήμα το μπιφτέκι


Ρε παιδιά, (αν και διαγώνια διάβασα το νήμα), έχω την εντύπωση ότι ο Holdsworth δεν ήταν και "άσημος" ή μή γνωστός στο ευρύ κοινό.


Τουλάχιστον στους ακροατές αυτού του στυλ (και όχι μόνο) πασίγνωστος ήταν

Λάκη μου το όνομά του έγινε περισσότερο γνωστό τα τελευταία χρόνια (μόνο σε κάποιους ευρύτερους από πριν μουσικούς κύκλους και όχι παραέξω) από το γεγονός ότι τον αναφέρουν ως επηρροή τους αρκετοί σύγχρονοι "φιουζιονοροκ" και "νεομέταλ" παίχτες.




Ποιητής-Ερωαναλυτής PhD-SG

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