Προς το περιεχόμενο

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  • Guru

Η Valentina Lisitsa είναι μια αρκετά γνωστή πιανίστα που έφτιαξε την τύχη της μόνη της μέσω του youtube πάνω κάτω. Είναι πολύ καλή και είναι Ουκρανή.


Πριν από αρκετό καιρό ξεκίνησε μία εκστρατία υποστηρίζοντας τον Πούτιν και εναντίον των Ουκρανών σε όλο το θέμα της Ουκρανίας μέσω twitter από ένα 2ο account της. Με πολύ πάθος, με πολύ προσβλητικά σχόλια και γενικά με πολύ θόρυβο.


Πριν από 10 μέρες, περίπου, ήταν να παίξει με την Toronto Symphonic Orchestra, η οποία όμως, ακύρωσε την βραδιά της, λόγω hate speech, κλπ στα tweet της, ενώ την πλήρωσε όμως, και αυτή δεν έχασε χρόνο να τα βγάλει όλα στη φόρα μέσω facebook/twitter και από 'κει και πέρα έχει γίνει ψιλοχαμό.


Εδώ είναι ένα αρχικό της μήνυμα, για το θέμα:


Dear fans, DEAR FRIENDS!

I have a confession to make and a huge favor to ask all of you. I really REALLY need your help now.

But first, my confession.

Over the last year I have been leading a double life. There was me - a "celebrity" pianist hopping from a concert to a concert, all over the world; learning new pieces, meeting fans, recording, chirping about my happiness in upbeat interviews smile emoticon

But there was another me: not a musician but a regular human being - a daughter, a mother, a wife. And this human being was watching helplessly how the country of my birth, of my childhood, of my first falling in love - this country was sliding ever faster into the abyss. Children die under bombs, old ladies die of starvation, people burned alive...

The worst thing that can happen to any country is fratricide war, people seeing each other, their neighbors as enemies to be eliminated. This is what has befallen my beautiful Ukraine. My heart was bleeding. You all saw on TV screens all over the world a magnificent revolution, the people of Ukraine raising in fury against their corrupt rulers, for a better life. I was so proud of my people! But the ruling class doesn't let go easily. They managed to cunningly channel away the anger, to direct it to other, often imaginable, enemies - and worse, to turn people upon themselves. Year later, we have the same rich people remaining in power, misery and poverty everywhere, dozens of thousands killed, over a million of refugees.

So, I took to Twitter ( how many of you know I have a Twitter account? LOL) under a name "NedoUkraïnka" - a word roughly meaning "Sub-Ukrainian", a stab at Ukrainian Prime Minister who called Russian-speaking Southern and Eastern Ukrainians "SUBHUMANS"! Yes, I kid you not. In an official written document. I am a subhuman, my husband, my mom....I mastered Ukrainian language perfectly, far better than a so-called "president" of Ukraine. But I don't speak it to my family, I didn't sing lullabies to my son in Ukrainian, when I sleep I never see the dreams in Ukrainian, when I will be dying my last words will NOT be in Ukrainian....

Sorry, I got carried away telling you those things... To get back to my story - I took to Twitter in order to get the other side of the story heard, the one you never see in the mainstream media - the plight of my people, the good and bad things that were happening in Ukraine. I translated news stories from Ukrainian language websites, I translated eyewitness accounts of atrocities.... I became really good in unmasking fakes published by Western media in order to make one side of the civil war look whiter and softer than Easter bunny, and another - as sub-humans, not worthy of mercy, the "collateral damage.

To give you just one example: one of my feats was to confront French fashion magazine "Elle" who published a glowing cover story about women in Ukrainian army. After the research I have shown to the magazine in my Twitter posts that the "cover girl" they have chosen to show was in fact a horrible person, open Neo-Nazi, racist, anti-Semite who boasted of murdering civilians for fun! The magazine issued a written public apology.

I was very proud! But with time my activities attracted a lot of vicious haters. I was a particularly important "target" because of being Ukrainian, thus - a traitor. I thought I knew hate - my playing on YouTube certainly "attracted" a fair share of hate mail. But I was mistaken. Death threats, wishes for my family to die, calling me "paid Kremlin wh*re"...the list goes on and on smile emoticon

My haters didn't stop there. Trying, in their own words, to teach me a lesson, they have now attempted to silence me as a musician.

I am scheduled to play Rachmaninoff Concerto #2 with Toronto Symphony Orchestra this week. Back in December someone in the orchestra top management, likely after the pressure from a small but aggressive lobby claiming to represent Ukrainian community, has made a decision that I should not be allowed to play. I don't even know who my accusers are, I am kept in the dark about it. I was accused of "inciting hatred" on Twitter. As the "proof" , ironically enough, they presented to the orchestra my tweets containing, of all things, Charlie Hebdo caricatures depicting lying media!!! We all know what those who can't tolerate free speech did to Charlie Hebdo journalists.

Now, the orchestra based in one of the freest democratic countries is bending over to the same kind of people, helping them to assassinate me - not as a living person yet , but as a MUSICIAN for sure.

Yes, Toronto Symphony is going TO PAY ME NOT TO PLAY because I exercised the right to free speech.

Yes, they will pay my fee but they are going to announce that I will be unable to play and they already found a substitute.

And they even threatened me against saying anything about the cause of the cancellation. Seriously.

And I thought things like this only happen in Turkey to Fazil Say?

Now, the plea.

Before you decide to help me - If you wish, please take time and read my tweets. You might find some of them offensive - perhaps. The satire and hyperbole are the best literature tools to combat the lies. Bear that in mind when reading.

Here is what I ask you to do for me, and in defense of freedom even if you disagree with me on politics (LOLl!)

I ask you to raise your voice and tell Toronto Symphony that music can't be silenced.

Ask them to let me play.

If you want to write something - great!

Or just share a photo I made ( sorry, I made it on my phone, nothing fancy)

Ask your friends to join in.

If they do it once, they will do it again and again, until the musicians, artists are intimidated into voluntary censorship. Our future will be bleak if we allow this to happen.

Please stand with me.

Here are the links :




Twitter @TorontoSymphony


Το θέμα είναι βέβαια ότι το θέμα έχει γυρίσει μπούμερανγκ το όλο θέμα για αρκετούς λογους.


Πρώτον τα tweet της είναι πολύ προσβλητικά και μάλιστα κάποιοι υποστηρίζουν ότι είναι Αντι-Εβραϊκή.


Δεύτερον έχει κάνει μία σειρά από αποτυχίες ήδη στον Καναδά, καθώς ΔΕ κατάφερε 3 φορές (συνολικά μαζί με την TSO) να παίξει εκεί.


Τρίτον, και βασικότερο για εμένα. Κατάφερε να δείξει σε όλο το κόσμο πόσο καταπληκτικά ΑΝΤΙεπαγγελματίας είναι, με το να βγάζει προς τα έξω επαγγελματικά θέματα που κανονικά δε θα έπρεπε να βγαίνουν προς τα έξω. Επιπλέον ήδη λέγεται ότι η εμπιστοσύνη προς αυτήν έχει χαθεί, και λογικό είναι: Ποιός θα θέλει να δουλέψει με κάποιον που αν πάνε τα πράγματα στραβά θα τα βγάλει όλα στο κοινό?

  • Guru

Ο αντίποδας έχει, φυσικά να κάνει με το free speech, και κάποιους (ηλίθιους) παραλληλισμούς με το Charlie Hebdo shootings (όπου πέθαναν 11 άνθρωποι, θυμίζω).


Επίσης, βέβαια το θέμα την Ουκρανία έχει 2 απόψεις και φυσικά το να υπάρχουν τέτοιες αντιδράσεις (που επεμβαίνουν στα επαγγελματικά ενός ανθρώπου ενώ εκφράζει τη γνώμη της για κάποια θεματα πολύ κοντά της) δημιουργούν αρνητικό προηγούμενο.


Πρώτον τα tweet της είναι πολύ προσβλητικά και μάλιστα κάποιοι υποστηρίζουν ότι είναι Αντι-Εβραϊκή.


Οποιοσδήποτε ασκήσει την ελάχιστη κριτική στο Ισραήλ χαρακτηρίζεται πάραυτα ως αντισιημίτης. Αυτή τι έκανε ακριβώς;


Δεύτερον έχει κάνει μία σειρά από αποτυχίες ήδη στον Καναδά, καθώς ΔΕ κατάφερε 3 φορές (συνολικά μαζί με την TSO) να παίξει εκεί.


Τι σημαίνει "δεν κατάφερε";


Γενικά ο χώρος που κινείται χαρακτηρίζεται από "δηθενισμό" και άφθονο political correctness οπότε έσκαψε το λάκκο της παίζοντας στο πολιτικο παιχνίδι.

  • Guru

Δεν έχω παρακολουθήσει τι έγραψε ακριβώς, και για αυτό δεν έχω γνώμη για αυτό το σημείο. Γενικά, πάντως, υπάρχει αυτή η αίσθηση...


Όσον αφορά τον χώρο, κλπ, όπως και το "δε κατάφερε" εννοώ ότι προσπάθησε να βρει άλλα venues στο Toronto να παίξει, έβγαζε δελτία τύπου και τελικά ακυρώνονταν... τρέχα γύρευε, δηλαδή.


Πάντως, όσον αφορά τα παιχνίδια Η/Υ (για παράδειγμα), όχι μόνο υπογράφω πάντα NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) αλλά επιπλέον αν κάποιος έβγαζε στη φόρα κάτι τέτοιο, θα έθαβε, ακριβώς την καταδίκη του.


Ας περίμενε να καταξιωθεί και μετά ας μιλούσε.Δεν ήταν κορόιδο ο Clapton...Ποιός θυμάται τα ρατσιστικά σχόλια που είχε κάνει?

Ποιός σκότωσε τον Tesla?


Ας περίμενε να καταξιωθεί και μετά ας μιλούσε.Δεν ήταν κορόιδο ο Clapton...Ποιός θυμάται τα ρατσιστικά σχόλια που είχε κάνει?

Τι ειχε πει δηλαδη?

However, Clapton has no problem letting fly when he needs to get something off his chest. In 1976 - drunk and loose-lipped - he used a Birmingham concert to praise racist Tory Enoch Powell and declare that Britain was becoming a "black colony" and that he wanted "the foreigners out". (Handy that Hendrix was dead). Reports of this show led directly to the formation of Rock Against Racism. In 2004, he told Uncut mag that Powell was "outrageously brave", rather than dismiss his past comments as drunk ravings.

Ποιός σκότωσε τον Tesla?

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