ex-OurDarkness Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 O κυριος Uli Behringer εχει διαφορετικη αποψη. "I desperately wanted to have my own equipment but as a student I couldn't afford to establish my own recording studio. One day I opened up a signal processor of an established brand and I realized that despite a selling price of $1,000 the components inside were just worth $100. It was then that I started to design equipment; initially for myself, but surprisingly I had immediately sold ten pieces to my friends and fellow musicians before I had even built them. I discovered that all of my musician friends faced the same dilemma. There was simply a tremendous need for good and affordable sound equipment." Uli Behringer Once upon I time, I opened a Yamaha MOX6 and I have found that the components inside were just worth 100$. It was then that I started to realize that they were worth 100$ to ME and not to the established brand. It was then that I started to design my own equipment so I went out to buy the f7cking components but alas, they couldn't sell them to me for the same price. Then I realized that the established brand was located elsewhere, had different suppliers, different marketing policies, different advertising policies, a different number of employees, they wanted to buy a different number of components, arrange in a different topology, with a different software implementation and thus have different results. So, I realized that I couldn't understand why Yamaha sells it for 1000$, when it's obvious that the components are worth 100$ to ME. To ME, I say, that I am the center of the universe, all other differences and variations being negligible and reduced to the point of mere speculation. And I decided that I will buy similar components to the established brand and sell them for 101$ because I am so f7cking altruisitc these days. Who knows what the likes of B.B. King or Spanoudakis will say if they are not able to afford my designs. It's just that I have some difficulties from time to time, finding where the products are manufactured. But hey, there's always Toula the Konstantinopolitissa and so I use her services whenever I want to source stuff, find out details and so on. Such as: were do Manleys get built? "Hang on a sec, lemme consult my Yamaha globe... zzz, yeah they are made in China". "Oh, so that's what they are selling us right? I'll take my revenge, you'll see, I 'll make all sorts of crap and I will have them made in China. No-one will ever know, besides my Microwave is made in China, so a Waldorf Microwave is also made in China because they have the same name, isn't it plain to see?" And who cares about quality? All I care about is quantity and ways with which I can fool people into thinking that I am so f7cking clever and all other people are so mean and arrogant. The other day, I had a spec fight with my wife because she insisted that the neighbor's 18cm tool is better than mine. So, I tried to convinced her that this is not the case and she wouldn't listen.. I measured them, I compared them, I found out that they are made of the same material (more or less, so to speak) and yet she wouldn't listen. It was only then that I had to consult Toula and even she didn't have the foggiest. I mean, wtf, is my wife a Moog representative?
cos_dr Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Once upon I time, I opened a Yamaha MOX6 and I have found that the components inside were just worth 100$. It was then that I started to realize that they were worth 100$ to ME and not to the established brand. It was then that I started to design my own equipment so I went out to buy the f7cking components but alas, they couldn't sell them to me for the same price. Then I realized that the established brand was located elsewhere, had different suppliers, different marketing policies, different advertising policies, a different number of employees, they wanted to buy a different number of components, arrange in a different topology, with a different software implementation and thus have different results. So, I realized that I couldn't understand why Yamaha sells it for MOX6, when it's obvious that the components are worth 100$ to ME. To ME, I say, that I am the center of the universe, all other differences and variations being negligible and reduced to the point of mere speculation. And I decided that I will buy similar components to the established brand and sell them for 101$ because I am so f7cking altruisitc these days. Who knows what the likes of B.B. King or Spanoudakis will say if they are not able to afford my designs. It's just that I have some difficulties from time to time, finding where the products are manufactured. But hey, there's always Toula the Konstantinopolitissa and so I use her services whenever I want to source stuff, find out details and so on. Such as: were do Manleys get built? "Hang on a sec, lemme consult my Yamaha globe... zzz, yeah they are made in China". "Oh, so that's what they are selling us right? I'll take my revenge, you'll see, I 'll make all sorts of crap and I will have them made in China. No-one will ever know, besides my Microwave is made in China, so a Waldorf Microwave is also made in China because they have the same name, isn't it plain to see?" And who cares about quality? All I care about is quantity and ways with which I can fool people into thinking that I am so f7cking clever and all other people are so mean and arrogant. The other day, I had a spec fight with my wife because she insisted that the neighbor's 18cm tool is better than mine. So, I tried to convinced her that this is not the case and she wouldn't listen.. I measured them, I compared them, I found out that they are made of the same material (more or less, so to speak) and yet she wouldn't listen. It was only then that I had to consult Toula and even she didn't have the foggiest. I mean, wtf, is my wife a Moog representative? χαχαχαχα Κορυφαίος!!! Πιανίστας, Διδάκτωρ Γιουροβιζιονολογίας με εξειδίκευση στα ΣΥΝΘΕΣΑ'ΙΖΕΡ
metallicus Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 OP Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Κλασικά η συζήτηση οδηγείται σε διαμάχη και πόλεμο.
Moderator LK Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Moderator Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Να καταθέσω τη δική μου προσωπική εμπειρία σε σχέση με τα μουσικά video reviews. Είχα επικοινωνία με τη line-6 όταν έψαχναν product specialist στην Ευρώπη. Δηλαδή κάποιον που θα κάνει demo video παρουσίασης των προϊόντων τους. Είχαμε φτάσει πολύ κοντά στη συνεργασία, το τελευταίο e-mail τους δε ήταν το : " please confirm that you will be able to relocate to Rugby (όπου και τα κεντρικά τους γραφεία στην Ευρώπη)". Τελικά η θέση δεν "επανδρώθηκε". Αυτό που μου έλεγαν σε όλες τις συζητησεις μας (μέσω e-mail) είναι πως αυτό που πρωτίστως τους ενδιαφέρει , είναι ο reviewer να "ανοίγει την όρεξη" των πιθανών αγοραστών, για αγορές. Christodoulos Kallianides (@kallianides_photography) • Instagram photos and videos Christodoulos Kallianides - YouTube
marathon Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Τελικά η θέση δεν "επανδρώθηκε". ..Σε έφαγαν τα κυκλώματα... 8) ;) Μαραθώνιος Εναλλακτική Σχολή
Moderator LK Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Moderator Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 ..Σε έφαγαν τα κυκλώματα... 8) ;) Καλλίτερα γιατί ΔΕΝ θα μπορούσα να αρνηθώ, και η Βρετανική επαρχία μου φέρνει ναυτία. :P ;D ;D ;D Christodoulos Kallianides (@kallianides_photography) • Instagram photos and videos Christodoulos Kallianides - YouTube
marathon Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 και η Βρετανική επαρχία μου φέρνει ναυτία. :P ;D ;D ;D ναι αλλά ήταν μόνο η αρχή...Σκέψου, σήμερα θα ήσουν σαν τον Κουτσομούρα του Καταράχτη!!!! Μαραθώνιος Εναλλακτική Σχολή
Moderator harilatron Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Moderator Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Κύριοι, έβαλα φασίνα, παρακαλώ μη μαλώνετε. :)
Moderator LK Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Moderator Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 ναι αλλά ήταν μόνο η αρχή Το Θεϊκο ήταν ότι με ρώτησαν αν έχω πρόβλημα να περνάω περίπου ένα μήνα στα κεντρικά τους στην Καλιφόρνια! ;D ;D ;D ;D Christodoulos Kallianides (@kallianides_photography) • Instagram photos and videos Christodoulos Kallianides - YouTube
Waterfall-K Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Δημοσιευμένο 6 Αυγούστου 2014 Δεν υπάρχει κάποιος ουσιαστικός λόγος για να υποστηρίξει κανείς ότι η Κίνα ΔΕΝ μπορεί να φτιάξει προιόντα ποιότητας.Το παραδειγμα της Κινας στο εφερα για να δεις και να καταλαβεις οτι το 99% των εταιρειων που κατασκευαζουν πλεον τα προιοντα τους εκει, λογω πολυ χαμηλου κοστους παραγωγης, συνεχιζουν και πουλανε σε τιμες USA ή Ευρωπης, με λιγα λογια, εχουν υπερκερδος τη στιγμη που θα μπορουσαν να κατεβασουν κατα πολυ τις τιμες τους, οπως κανει η Behringer δηλαδη. Ποσο δυσκολο ειναι να το καταλαβει καποιος αυτο? Ολα αυτα τα προιοντα λοιπον που πριν ενα χρονο φτιαχνονταν στην Eυρωπη και USA και πωλουνταν Χ€, και τωρα φτιαχνονται στην Κινα με το 1/4 του κοστους και πωλουνται παλι στην ιδια τιμη, μονο "οτι πληρωνεις παιρνεις" δεν ειναι. Αν δεχτουμε οτι ενα Korg Kronos που κοστιζει 3500€ και ειναι Made In Japan ειναι "οτι πληρωνεις παιρνεις", τι ειναι ενα Korg Kronos που κοστιζει επισης 3500€ και ειναι Made In China? Παλι "οτι πληρωνεις παιρνεις"? Ή καθαρο κλεψιμο του αγοραστη? Ο κύριος Behringer λοιπόν μπορεί να λέει ότι θέλει, μπίζνα κάνει και μάλιστα με πολύ συγκεκριμένο τρόπο (δίνω στον λαουτζίκο στην μισή τιμή ότι δεν μπορεί να αγοράσει από άλλους).Ακριβως αυτο κανει, πουλαει στην μιση_και ακομα πιο κατω_τιμη εφαμιλλα προιοντα, την ωρα που οι αλλοι τσεπωνουν τη διαφορα απο τη μειωση του κοστους παραγωγης στη Κινα, και εσυ τους λες και ευχαριστω τρωγοντας το παραμυθι του "οτι πληρωνεις παιρνεις". Όμως από αυτό μέχρι να υποστηρίζεις ότι κάθε τι ακριβό είναι για κορόιδα υπάρχει μια κάποια απόσταση.Δεν συνεννοουμαστε εδω μεσα. Καλα αυτο ειναι γνωστο. ::) Δεν ειπα ποτε φιλτατε Τheoctapus οτι "κάθε τι ακριβό είναι για κορόιδα", εγω εφερα πολυ συγκεκριμενα παραδειγματα. @Niκola, τα παραπανω και για σενα. Προσπερνω τον "πανεξυπνο" και παμε στον Trolley. Τζαμπα γραφω Trolley γιατι δεν διαβαζεις. Αν διαβαζες τι γραφω δεν θα αποκαλουσες τον Ιαπωνα...δημοσιογραφο. :-X Να σε βοηθησω: "Katsunori Ujiie is a creative director, composer, arranger, and keyboardist. He has a great career in field of software production, musical education and producing. As a sound designer, he produced for Yamaha digital equipments like DX, SY, QY, VL, EX, CS, MOTIF, etc and Arturia software synthesizers. Also he visited many countries in Asia, Russia and Europe as a demonstrator. He is also Vice Chief Managing Director of Japan Synthesizer Programmers Association (JSPA)" Αναλυτικοτερα, εχει συνεργαστει σαν programmer με την Yamaha πανω στα παρακατω: DX7, SY55, SY77, SY99, W5, VL1, VP1, EOS, EX5, S80, CS1x, CS6x, MOTIF, MU80, MU2000, RS7000, CP-300, MOX κλπ. Εχει συνεργαστει επισης με την Viscount (OB-12), Arturia (STORM, Moog Modular V, Μinimoog V, ARP2600V, CS-80V, Prophet-V, Jupiter-8V, WulitzerV, AnalogLAB, ORIGIN, SPARK), την Korg (M3, KRONOS, Krome), την Casio (XW-P1, XW-G1, PX-5S) και και και.... Εν ολιγοις, οταν αυτος συνεργαζοταν με τις μεγαλυτερες εταιρειες κατασκευης synth, θρασυτατα βλακομουτρα σαν τον OurDarkness δεν ειχαν δει synth ουτε σε φωτογραφια. Specs talks, Mgs walks
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