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Rowland S. Howard - Autoluminescent

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Ενα ντοκιμαντερ για εναν απο τους ΜΕΓΑΛΥΤΕΡΟΥΣ κιθαριστες που περασαν ποτε απο αυτον τον ματαιο κοσμο...


εδω μια ιδεα, κυκλοφορει τον Αυγουστο απ'οσο διαβασα.


Rowland S. Howard - Autoluminescent




It's a shame stupidity isn't painful.


Αυτη τη σκηνη στο Wings of Desire (που ετσι κι αλλοιως ειναι η αγαπημενη μου ταινια & την εχω δει 50 φορες... ;D) οπου χτυπιεται βγαζοντας τον πιο απιστευτο ηχος κιθαρας που εχω ακουσει ποτε μου αλλα η...σταχτη απο το τσιγαρο δεν...πεφτει ... ;D.....ειναι η απολυτη "guitar hero" σκηνη που εχω δει στη ζωη μου....






Και μερικες ωραιες κουβεντες του θεου για το gear





"I think the beauty of electric guitars is you can defeat their original purpose to a huge extent," Rowland enthuses. "They're very mechanical so you can get all these kind of sounds by doing things that were never intended to be done. With digital equipment you can't do that because they're all computerized--you can't punch a pedal on the side and make a weird noise. Particularly with Fender Jaguars, they've got bits of metal everywhere, so they're incredibly live and you can get a lot of sounds out of hitting them on the strings, above the neck, below the bridge, all that sort of stuff.".


Rowland bought his 1963 (εδω κανουν λαθος ειναι του 1969... ;D) Fender Jaguar back in 1978, and it's still in good nick. Despite the violence of some Birthday Party tunes and gigs, he plays gently and prides himself on rarely breaking a string..


"They're such incredibly idiosyncratic guitars and they're far from perfect, but for some reason it fits me. I used to have a Firebird before I had the Jaguar, but anything else you've seen me holding would have been borrowed for some reason or another. I don't have a spare, so when things go wrong you tend to have to borrow things from support bands, with disastrous results. Particularly in Europe, the support bands can have four or five guitars... and it almost seems to be in direct ratio to how bad they are.". ;D


Bassist Tracy Pew was also a Fender man, favoring a Jazz or a Precision after an early fling with a Rickenbacker--although a six-string bass was nixed by the group..


"At one point he bought a Bass 6 and Mick Harvey went absolutely spare and told him it was to be gotten rid of immediately," Rowland laughs. "He just couldn't cope with the idea at all, which is a shame, because the results would have been quite interesting. He was appalled when I got a guitar with a whammy bar, too. He was always trying to lay down the law, but in those days he didn't have the creative authority to back it up, so Nick and Tracy and I were like the naughty boys and Mick Harvey would try and keep us in line.".


Ampwise, Rowland's always used a Fender Twin Reverb. "I would just turn the reverb up high and hit the guitar," he tells us. "On the neck, behind the bridge.".


In England, Batcave bands influenced by the Birthday Party were busy inventing goth--a genre which relied on copious amounts of phasers, flangers, chorus and echo. Rowland, by comparison, was severely organic..


"The last thing I wanted to be was stuck there like I was on the Starship Enterprise, with this bank of pedals, switching things on and off," he tuts. "It's not particularly satisfying to me. The more pedals you have, the more of the original signal you lose and I just wanted it to sound like a f****d-up guitar.




"We did an EP called Hee-Haw, which was like our psychedelic period, but the Roland Space Echo on that was just borrowed. Really, the basics of my set-up was the reverb on my Fender Twin, an MXR Distortion Plus and an MXR Blue Box, which is supposed to imitate a contrabass. It's more like an octave divider that doesn't track properly, so you get all these really strange harmonics coming off of it, and it almost sounds like a synthesizer at times. It's got a really strongly gated effect that adds sustain to a note but then it will end dead. That's how I kept my sustain going so long, but it only works with a very specific set-up, because unless there's a lot of treble it has no definition."





Θυμάμαι ότι όταν άκουσα Birthday party για πρώτη φορά στην ζωή μου, συνηδειτοποίησα ότι το punk και το metal ήτα απλά ποπ με ηλεκτρικές κιθάρες!!!

Rock is deader than dead - Shock is all in your head

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